Cultural Relativism and Political Correctness Keeps Canadian Troops From Stopping Cases of Child Abuse in Afghanistan…….
This incredible story reminds the Tundra Tabloids of a couple of salient points that discussion panelist, Marc Lebuis, expounded upon during the Q&A period that followed Bruce Bawer’s…
Shock in Norway as Media Gives Standing Ovations to Hamas Propagandizing Doctors Mads Gilbert and Fosse……!
The Leftist media loves their boys Mads Gilbert & Fosse: Glad you liked our stuff! These two doctors are largely responsible for the dissemination of…
Finland: Helsingin Sanomat Promotes Book of Norwegian Doctor Who Faked Resuscitation on CNN Broadcast…….
Of course the HS would promote Gilbert’s book! Mad Mads Gilbert and accomplice were caught faking for the camera of CNN, the resuscitation of a “dead”…
Three Part Video Series Interview of Helsinki City Councilman Jussi Halla-aho on Homma TV…….
Jussi Halla-aho’s argumentation concerning the Finnish state’s illogical choice of prosecuting him for daring to insult Islam, is simply brilliant. Both the Finnish state prosecutor’s…
Rifqa Bary in Context: Muslims Who Convert To Christianity and The Price They Pay…….
Warm and fuzzy multiculturalism works against the immigrant as well Borrowed from Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs, which dovetails nicely with what Bruce Bawer spoke…