Swedish Idiots and Bigots Alert: No Fans Allowed For Israel Tennis Match…….
Swedish Social Democrats and other Left wing politicians in Malmö place severe restrictions on Israeli tennis team. In the Tundra Tabloids opinion, it’s because these…
Bat Ye’or Defends Geert Wilders: “Does Defending Western Values Constitute ‘Inciting Hatred’…..?”
The Tundra Tabloids has written plenty about the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC), with yours truly confronting its Secretary General, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, in a…
Former Finnish Greens Party Spokesman Osmo Soininvaara Approved Disgusting Anti-Semitic Comment on His Blog…….
The Left has yet to jettison its racists. Osmo Soininvaara belongs to the Finnish Greens, though he no longer holds a position in the party,…