US: ANTIFA-BLM Goons Descend Upon Peaceful Trump Supporters in D.C…….




WATCH: Antifa Accosts Women, Children, Elderly, and Restaurant-Goers After MAGA March


Antifa and BLM wasted no time in accosting women, children, families, and the elderly as they walked down Washington, DC, streets after the Million MAGA March on Saturday. Protesters threw large fireworks and projectiles at restaurant-goers eating outside and flashed laser lights into hotel rooms.


DC Metropolitan Police blocked off BLM Plaza so Million MAGA March attendees could not go through. Trump supporters had to walk through a

gauntlet of BLM, Antifa, and black bloc assailants in order to leave the area.


A black woman hauled off and sucker-punched a man carrying a Trump flag.


Rioters walked down the street and harassed an elderly couple while trying to rip a Trump flag out of their hands.


More here.

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