Islamic Mentality Nicolai Sennels



Psychologist: psychotherapy for jihadis ”naive and impossible”
(Photo above: Jihadis at a Saudi group therapy session)

I would say that the only way to make sure that Jihadis can not threaten our societies is to prevent them from being able to come here. And that those who are already here – including their supporters – are jailed for life in prisons outsourced to the Third World. The only effective treatment is medical – not psychological.

Denmark, Sweden and USA are among the countries trying to counter Islamic terrorism by sending jihadis to psychologists. As an experienced psychologist within the field of treating violent and fundamentalist Muslims, I would say that the approach of stopping terrorism with psychotherapy is naive and impossible.

As a former psychologist in a Danish youth prison I have had more than a houndred Muslim clients (seven out of 10 inmates in Danish youth prisons are Muslims). You can read about my psychological findings here: Muslims and Westerners: The Psychological Differences – just google my name for more articles. I developed a kind of therapy that took into account the Muslim clients’ cultural back ground, focusing on anger, victim mentality and relaxation. The therapy was successful in the way that it caught the interest of the Muslim clients, as more than 90 percent of the Muslim inmates voluntarily came for therapy.

Word about my methods and success spread outside the prison, and has been described in Danish magazines for professional social workers and therapists. I have also given interviews to newspapers and national radio about my therapeutical techniques. I even wrote a book about it, which recieve many fine reviews, including in the official magazine from The Danish Union for Psychologists (Dansk Psykologforening). Because of my expertise on the topic, I have been invited to consult in the court case against the terrorist Omar Khadr, the youngest prisoner on Guantanamo.

More here.

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