


I couldn’t care less about the new oil’s zero carbon footprint towards defeating (bogus) global warming, I’m all for the driving down of fuel oil prices thereby depleting the Arabs of jihad money.

h/t Mark Louis

2 Responses

  1. They’re doing research on this at the University of Michigan. It’s nothing brand new.
    The nice thing about algae fuels is that they can be used to recycle carbon dioxide.

    Algea strains can have high starch and sugar contents for fermentation/distillation into alcohol. Other strains can have high cellulose content for distillation into methanol. Still other strains can have hi lipid content for manufacture of biodiesel.

    The problem with algae is that it’s hard to genetically control the strains. Controlling how much lipid, starch or cellulose content each batch of algae has is a bit difficult. So scientists are looking at processing technologies that just take whatever a given batch gives them.

    Algae fuels hold a LOT of potential for utilizing unused land space. Moreover, there are a lot of salt water algae strains that can make use of large tracts of desert in the U.S. Southwest. Most of all, recycling generating station CO2 in algae ponds is FAR more cost effective than trying to “sequester it” (Read that ‘bury it in the ground’).

    So I’m a fan of this technology for long term energy security. For short term energy security, I support the Open Fuel Standard Act which requires cars in America to run on at least three different fuels. This creates fuel competition. Right now, our natural gas surplus (and Israel’s natural gas surplus) can easily be used to make methanol. Steam reduction of natural gas is the cheapest way to make methanol. Methanol can be mixed in ANY ratio with gasoline in a single fuel tank. Unlike the proponents of natural gas powered vehicles, there is no need for a second special fuel tank. Flex fuel cars that run on Methanol can also run on gasoline and Ethanol. This gives us THREE choices where we presently only have one: petroleum-based gasoline.

    With these three choices, algae-based fuels can be produced without worrying about controlling which fuel components are derived from a given batch. If the batch of algae is heavy in starch and sugar, ethanol is produced. If the batch of algae is heavy in cellulose, methanol is produced. If the batch of algae is heavy in lipids, bio-diesel is produced. Whatever is produced, feeds a fleet of flex fuel cars.

    I think this is a great way to go for motor vehicle fuel production. It’s not “hocus pocus”. The only hard part is engineering large scale production.

  2. “Jihad money” is not the only threat. Our entire education system is under siege from Saudi money. $20 million from a Saudi sheik to Georgetown University. Tens of millions each to other Ivy League schools. No wonder our curricula are so distorted with Islamophilic propaganda. Even the parent company of Fox News has a Saudi as its second largest shareholder.
    Obama famously shook his finger at American businessmen, saying “You did not build this.” It’s high time we shake our fingers at the Araby Hillbillies and point out that they did not build our nation! What’s more, they did not even build their own nations’ wealth – their oil was discovered and developed by Western oil companies!
    Resistance aux Facisme Islamiste!

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