Islam in the UK




Iraqi immigrant, 62, claimed £35,000 in benefits despite having thousands in hidden bank account ‘because he was doing nothing wrong under Islamic law’

  • Majid Hussain was paid income support, housing and council tax benefits
  • At the same time he had £18,000 rising to £36,000 in secret bank account
  • He said money was left in trust by father for his children’s education and he had sworn oath on Koran he would preserve money


PUBLISHED: 08:40 GMT, 11 October 2012 | UPDATED: 13:04 GMT, 11 October 2012

An Iraqi immigrant accused of fiddling more than £35,000 in benefits claims he did nothing wrong because he was acting under the rule of Islamic law.

Majid Hussain, who has not worked since arriving in Britain as a mature student in 1986, was paid income support, housing and council tax benefits for 13 years – and signed an annual assurance that he did not have any undeclared bank accounts.

But in fact during that time he had a secret bank account, containing a sum that rose from £18,000 to £36,000.

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3 Responses

  1. According to (modest) numerical calculations based on government statistics from wikileaks and media reports (see ‘read more’ section), a basic rough calculation show that the British government spend a minimum £18 billion a year from tax revenues on unproductive Muslims living in the country. While the government is trying to create £12 billion in annual cuts from benefit payments by targeting the handicapped, elderly and poor amongst it’s own citizens, they have ignored to reject from the country a group that is highly overrepresented above anyone else in welfare exploitation.—and-the-effects-of-critical-mass.aspx

  2. Of course. If Mohammed said it is OK, then it is OK. End of story.

    Hmmm… Now on to the next scam.

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