

Fake humanitarians despondent.

Like the Tundra Taloids has been telling its readers for a very long time now, there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza, and all who are involved in trying to break the legal anti-weapons blockade of Gaza, are in essence backing the genocidal terrorist organization, Hamas, in its quest to murder Jews. KGS

H/T: Missin Peace

But Redmatn did go on to criticize Israel for maintaining a partial embargo on certain goods, such as cement, which can and has been used by terrorist forces to build bunkers.

“Israel has the legitimate right to protect the civilian population, [but] this right should be balanced with the right of 1.5 million people living in the Gaza Strip,” said Redmatn. “…difficulties in importing building materials [has] hampered sustainable economic recovery and dashed any hope of leading a normal and dignified life.”

Israelis would argue that a territory that elects terrorists as its leaders and then facilitates the launching of thousands of missiles at a neighboring territory has forfeited the right to a “normal and dignified life.”

More here.

Click here for the markets of Gaza.

5 Responses

  1. The Red Cross has never heard of a “Mathilde Redmatn”. There is no Red Cross “deputy director” in Gaza. More specific: the Red Cross doesn’t operate in Gaza at all. This is done by the Red Crescent Society. And a Red Cross employee would NEVER give an exclusive ‘interview’ for the IDF (website), or any other occupying army.

    Don’t degrade yourself with spreading this malicious propaganda.

    1. Boy this interview really has your anti-Israel entrails all tied in a knot. Good. My sources say she’s real, as well as other evidence that points to Gaza having a better standard of living than many living in Africa.

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