anti-Semitism Norway


The Tundra Tabloids has come up with a special term for this Western Nordic variant of Judeophobea,  from this time forward, Norwegian Israel hating anti-Semites will be referred to as Nor-Vegans;

“The highly irrational Norwegian practice of eliminating the use of common sense and rational thinking from their thinking process whenever the state of Israel is mentioned. “

H/T: Barry Rubin

Alan Dershowitz and Norwegian Anti-Semitism

Norwegian Israel-haters routinely insist that their hatred of the Jewish state is not an expression of anti-Semitism. But the record strongly suggests otherwise.

No, they don’t talk about certain things. Things like these:

  • On April 8, 2002, Ingmar Tveitt, a friend of a member of the Norwegian Parliament, walked into the Parliament’s restaurant wearing a jacket with an Israeli flag pin on the chest pocket.  After he’d spoken briefly with other diners, two security guards approached him and asked him to come with them “because they had received reactions” to his flag pin.  “I asked who had reacted, and what they had reacted to, but got no answer,” Tveitt toldDagbladet. The guards escorted him to the wardrobe, where he was made to hang up his jacket. As Tveitt noted, “People walk around [in Parliament] with Palestinian scarves and other pro-Palestinian symbols without any reaction.” But Israel, of course, is a different matter.
  • Of all living Norwegian writers, Jostein Gaarder is probably the one whose work has sold the most copies around the world. His best-known book is Sophie’s World (1991), in which a teenage girl learns the history of philosophy from a mysterious older man. It’s a widely beloved book, and a fond reader might easily picture Gaarder as a gentle, contemplative sort. Nope. In 2006, he published a vicious j’accuse of an op-ed in Aftenposten that read like something out of Der Stürmer. In it, Gaarder read the riot act to Israel: through its actions, he argued, it had entirely lost its right to exist. But Gaarder’s larger subject wasn’t Israel but the Jewish people — or, as he put it sarcatically in the piece’s title, “God’s Chosen People.” Gaarder’s sheer cruelty and nastiness were breathtaking. “We do not believe in the concept of God’s chosen people,” he wrote. “We laugh at this people’s caprices and weep over their misdeeds.” He suggested that many Israelis celebrate the deaths of Lebanese children just “as they once cheered the plagues of the Lord as ‘fitting punishment’ for the Egyptian people.” And he envisioned “little Israeli girls writing hateful greetings on the bombs to be dropped on civilian populations in Lebanon and Palestine” and “strut[ting]  with glee over the death and torment.” As if it were Israelis who were putting guns into the hands of children!
  • I’ve never seen any indication that Gaarder’s op-ed dented his domestic reputation in the slightest.  On the contrary, a year after it appeared, bus shelters all over Oslo featured giant pictures of a grinning Gaarder, promoting a book club for children.

    Read the rest here.


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