anti-Semitism Finland media media bias Terrorism

The Media’s Poisoning of The Minds…….

A case study. An anonymous source informs the Tundra Tabloids that he sent a letter of enquirey to the HBL, concerning a headline to an article that appeared in yesterday’s Hufvudstadsbladet (Finland’s largest Swedish newspaper): “Israel revenged rocket assaults“.

The article itself was about the situation in Sderot, concerning the Kassem rocket attacks currently raining down upon the Israeli city, but the devil is in the details. The Tundra Tabloids’ anonymous source received the following reply from the HBL’s office:

“The headline is not misleading. It tells that there was rocket attacks and that Israel anwered to them. Normal clear swedish language. I have followed your argumentation about the situation in Middle East for some years now. When you look att Israel your view is so one -eyed that your defence of Israel has no credibility, even if you sometime could have something to say. You don’t help Israel at all because you and people like you make frinds of Israel look like fools.

The critique of the Tundra Tabloid’s anonymous source is discarded by the HBL because of the latter’s clear prejudice against the messenger; regardless of what this source says, whether it is true or untrue, it is considered worthless information because the messenger himself is considered to be an “unreliable source”. Much of the same has happened to Israel herself, or any of her representatives.

A day earlier,Tundraman had brought to my attention the same newspaper (HBL 17.5.07, p.13), in which HBL journalist, Mats Gezelius, continues the HBL’s systematic demonization of Israel:


While reporting that 16 had been killed in internal Palestinian fights in Gaza and that “militant Palestinians” had fired numerous rockets into Sderot, the huge title of the article on page 13 was still “Israel revenged rocket assaults” and the reporter (Mats Gezelius, again!) could not help himself adding in his article that

“Israel has prevously penetrated northern Gaza, shot tens of thousands of artillery granades into open fields along the border and killed both peasants, families with children and rocket garrisons and targeted suspected Quassam operators with precision rockets from the air.”

This only means that the PA lies, Hamas lies, and the West continues to lie about Israel. And the world believes them!

This lastest example just coincides with the HBL’s; the Arabs lie (which means that THEY are the unreliable sources!), but the West believes them because they want to, repeating their lies in the media. If you ask for the biggest reason for this process, it is the largely denied anti-Semitism prevailing in all the world, especially in Europe, from where it was exported to and politically exploited by the Arab nations already in the 1930’s.

Tundraman continues:

The systematic demonization of Israel going on in the media today has a number of specific features. Some of them were listed in the article “How I became an ‘unconscious fascist” by Fiamma Nirenstein (Jewish World Review, July 15, 2003, One of those features is the reversal of perpetrator and victim, evident in the HBL heading, where Israel is the active part (“revenging”) and not the original victim:

“6) Manipulation of the order in which the news are given and of the news itself. The headlines give the number of Palestinians killed or wounded in most articles, at least in Europe, before describing the gunfights and their causes, and linger on the age and family stories of the terrorists. The purposes of the IDF actions, such as capturing terrorists, destroying arms factories or hiding places and bases for attacks against Israel, are rarely mentioned. On the contrary, Israel’s operations are often described as completely uncalled for, bizarre, wicked and useless.”

How deep this distortion of reality is, is reflected by the fact that NO (Finnish) MEDIA CONDEMNS Hamas for claiming that “Israel has now declared war” on the Palestinians and that the Hamas therefore can now start with their suicide bombing again. When this has continued for decades, it is no wonder that the world’s minds have been poisoned. *L* KGS

One Response

  1. Dick Haas writes about Swedish newsagency (TT), how they make their own news (fiction) about Israel. Last Sunday they wrote that the Israeli government had decided to start eliminate Hamas leaders. In fact the government had decided to postpone all decisions…Swedish newspapers in Finland get some of their news from TT- FNB.
    His text below unfortunately only in Swedish.

    TT skämmer ut den svenska journalistiken

    TT eller Tidningarnas Telegrambyrå i Stockholm publicerade på söndagskvällen en helt lögnaktig artikel om att den israeliska regeringen skulle ha fattat beslut om att igen börja likvidera de militära ledarna inom det palestinska Hamasstyret.

    Det finns ingen täckning alls för TT:s uppgifter. Regeringen i Israel fattade beslutet att uppskjuta alla beslut angående Gazaremsan och försöken att få bukt med de palestinska raketangreppen in i Israel.

    Det bör sålunda uppfattas som ren propaganda och ett uttryck för TT:s välkända och riktade Israelhat, när man förmedlar uppgifter som det inte finns täckning för.

    TT:s små men systematiska kampanjer mot verkligheten i Israel och i de palestinska områdena skulle man kunna gå förbi och nonchalera om det inte vore så att andra svenska nyhetsorgan för det mesta kritiklöst sväljer och för vidare vad TT presenterar som faktabaserade nyheter, men som i grunden är skändliga lögner.

    På söndagen återgav både DN och SvD TT:s lögner om vad den israeliska regeringen skulle ha fattat beslut om, och man frestas dra slutsatsen att utlandsredaktionerna på de bägge tidningarna har lika dåligt omdöme som TT eller värre: man har samma fördomar som TT. Det hade annars varit en lätt sak för både Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet att kolla TT:s uppgifter och jämföra dem med andra nyhetsbyråers rapporter.

    Man hade då lätt kunnat konstatera att AP och Reuters och de arabiska nyhetsbyråerna med egna korrespondenter i Jerusalem och i Ramallah och Gaza City inte beskriver vad TT beskriver.

    Det är symtomatiskt för TT:s sätt att fungera att man gör en affär av något som inte skett, samtidigt som man tonar ner vad som faktiskt skett. På söndagen utbröt våldsamma strider i Gazaremsan mellan Hamas och Fatah-PLO, de värsta sedan Saudi Arabien vid ett möte i Mecka för tre månader sedan lyckades medla fram ett tillfälligt palestinskt internt eld upphör. Fyra personer dödades under striderna på söndagen, 15 sårades och Hamas uppger att minst 14 av dess väpnade män kidnappades och fördes bort av Fatah-PLO i Gaza. Dessa strider som slogs upp stort av samtliga nyhetsbyråer världen runt, gör TT till en bisats längst ner i artikeln om det så kallade israeliska “regeringsbeslutet”.

    Så går alltså en förfelad svensk nyhetsförmedling till idag, inte ibland, utan som regel numera, så snart man kommer in på den israelisk-palestinska konflikten.

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