
Finnish State TV YLE Purges Terrorist Image From Fatima…….

In last night’s 8:30pm news broadcast on Finnish state TV, YLE1, Finnish journalist, Sanna Negus, presented a distorted picture “white washed” version of the woman who set out to intentionally murder any Israeli that came her way.

Fatima Najjar in farewell video:

“I am martyr Fatma Umar Mahmoud Jama’ä from Jabalia. I belong to the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades and offer myself to God.”

Her family members are proud of the would be murderer, and thanks to the Negus report, she was given a “proper Finnish YLE send off.”

Negus reports the following:

“This mother of nine and many times over grandmother left her family the video of her farewell. She is the oldest suicide bomber thus far. The family said that they didn’t know anything of her plans.”

(KGS: highly doubtful).

Interview with Samir al-Najjar

–She took care of her children and grandchildren, and she was learned person. She followed the news, read alot of papers and knew her Koran. She worked hard and she had a fighter’s soul.

Negus: Samir al-Najjar believes that “Fatima became frustrated little by little, her house was destroyed, one grandchild had been injured badly, and one was killed by Israeli bullets.” Negus: “Her husband died a year ago and she had nothing more to lose.”

Sanna Negus has nothing to say about the culture of death that permeates their society, as well as a woman’s station within a Muslim (misogynist) society, that traditionally places the status of a woman lower than that of a man, who can now finally achieve that equal status(honour) through the suicidal murder of Jews. It never seems to occur to these “journalists” propaganda peddlers, that those who commit intentional homicide, should not be sympathized with, neither to be given center stage to have others promote their sick views.

Sadly, Negus takes up the pen where Leena (Champion of the Palestinian Cause) Reikko left off. That is, the traditional way Finnish state news likes it, heavily obfuscated as well as skewed to one side, leading the viewer to the “only right conclusion”. KGS

Note: Avid Reader adds:

“This (Negus’) distorted and lie-based report is a clear incitement to violence. The interview contained not only as you showed in the transcript, sympathetic description of suicide bombers, but Sanna Negus’ false presentation that Israel had killed the two “human shield” women. Apparently the two in that sad event, were the victims of crossfire. This blood libel reporting against Israel as the same as the Gaza Beach incident of the summer in which mainstream mass media (such as the BBC, Reuters, AP, France 2, CNN and so on) falsely blamed Israel for the unfortunate family beach deaths, when in fact a Hamas landmine planted on the beach was the cause. Blood libel has no place on Finnish television, which is generally the best level of professional and accurate reporting..

Also Negus’ implication that Israel caused without provocation, all the disasters in the suicide bomber’s life is unfounded. I think on the grounds that this so-called news report is based on lies and distortions, it is one-sided and without context, and that it could incite violence based on propaganda, would be a legitimate criticism to present to YLE (Finnish State Broadcasting). It would help YLE to know these problems found in some of the news reports.

Nothing from Sanna Negus of course was heard on the killing and wounding of Israeli adults and children by the Qassam rocket fire from Gaza into Israel, which recently included an elderly Israeli killed while on his bicycle.”

Also noteworthy and ironic, is that Sanna Negus wrote a book about Egyptian culture through a Finnish woman’s eyes (her own), touching on subjects such as; “what happened to Miss Egypt who was becoming a pilot?”. The title of the Negus book is : “Pidä hunnustasi kiinni, Fatima! Ja muita tarinoita nyky-Egyptistä [Hold on to Your Veil Fatima! And Other Stories From Modern Day Egypt].

It appears that either Negus is oblivious to the station of women living in a stifiling misogynist Islamist entitey(Hamastan), or selective on reporting about it, because it runs counter to her ideological agenda as a reporter. KGS

Front Page has a good expose on female terrorists, “Female terrorists are still terrorists and should be shot on sight.”

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