Benjamin Weinthal Qatar US

Benjamin Weinthal: Amid terror finance allegations, Qatar lobbies for US F-35 fighter jets…….


There’s no reason whatsoever to hand over these advanced fighter jets to the supporters and funders of international Islamonazi terrorism…


Amid terror finance allegations, Qatar lobbies for US F-35 fighter jets

“Given Qatar’s track record of financing and helping terrorists and its extraordinary links with Iran, giving it F-35s will undermine the advantage of the US, Israel and their regional allies”

Qatar’s regime, whose monarchy is already reeling from allegations that it finances Islamic terrorist movements, faced new criticism on Wednesday for its lobbying efforts in the US to purchase the F-35 fighter jets.
“Given Qatar’s track record of financing and helping terrorists – and given Qatar’s extraordinary links with Iran – giving Qatar F-35s will undermine the advantage of the US, Israel and their regional allies,” Ghanem Nuseibeh, founder of the  London-based Cornerstone Global Associates, told The Jerusalem Post.
He said that “Selling F-35s to Qatar would be a strategic mistake that will have long-term consequences on the national security of the West. Qatar does not have the manpower to use the F-35sת and the US and its regional allies should ask why Qatar wants them.”
Cornerstone’s risk reports on Qatar’s regime have been cited in the British media, including by BBC.
Nuseibeh’s comment on Qatar’s lobbying in the US was in response to a blockbuster Tuesday report on the website of
The article by Julian Pecquet, founder and editor of Foreign Lobby Report, said that “ Donald Trump‘s proposed sale of F-35 jets to the United Arab Emirates is taking flak from another close US ally in the Middle East. Even as Israel now says that it’s ‘very comfortable’ with the proposed $10 billion sale of 50 of the advanced stealth fighters to the Gulf Arab state, UAE rival Qatar has been raising concerns behind the scenes.”

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