
Italy: Giorgia Meloni, leader of national conservative party ‘Brothers of Italy’ calls for disollution of parliament and new elections…….


The statists are always maneuvering to keep their control on power…


Italy: “Nationalist League party leader Matteo Salvini said Thursday the likely new government of the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement and the centre-left Democratic Party had been “born in Brussels to get rid of that pain in the neck Salvini”.”


Salvini colleagues are not taking this lightly (video subtitled by Vlad):



Govt born in Brussels to get rid of me – Salvini

Announces day of pride demo Oct 19


(ANSA) – Rome, August 29 – Nationalist League party leader Matteo Salvini said Thursday the likely new government of the anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) and the centre-left Democratic Party (PD) had been “born in Brussels to get rid of that pain in the neck Salvini”.


He added: “Today, coincidentally, the German ex-commissioner Oettinger speaks and says that Brussels is ready to do anything to help this government be born and reward it.


“Those who always called us to order on the Fornero (pension reform) law and the other stuff”. Salvini added that premier-designate Giuseppe Conte “is the first member of the PD”, that “if they change the security and migrant decrees they’ll do Italians wrong”, and that the new government was “one of seats and posts, and I’m not giving up”.


The League will hold a demonstration against the M5S-PD government on October 19, a national “day of pride”, Salvini announced.


More here.

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