
The Holocaust Remembrance Day 2019: Survivor at March Of The Living Declared ‘Hitler Did Not Win’…….


Fighting back by living!



The March of the Living brings together different generations of the same family, providing a narrative of life among unspeakable pain and a message of renewal


entrusted her safety to a Polish coworker, who had promised to save her. It is a mantra that she has lived by since then; from being hidden in a Catholic priest’s house on the Russian-Polish border until the end of the war, to the beginning of a new life in Canada and now, transmitting her story and testimony to the younger generation.

“These trips take a lot out of you,” she said. “It is very difficult – emotionally and physically – and going with my grandchildren to the camps – especially Belzec (where her mother was killed). I love those kids and I want them to know these stories so they can take them on.” To that end, anticipating a time when she can no longer travel on the March, the Azrieli Foundation will publish Ekstein’s memoir Always Remember Who You Are in 2019.

The March, of course, does not just deeply affect the grandchildren of survivors – and even those without such a personal connection continue to ruminate on their experiences and ask questions. Ekstein expressed the hope that the young adults to whom she has spoken and will continue to do, will remember her story and what she has taught them – affectionately recalling how a student, years after the March reached out to ask for additional information. “The young people who listen to me – and other survivors – they will not forget.”


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