Anti-Islamization Finnish Immigration Concerns


State media meltdown ensues…….

New anti-immigration, -Islam banners seen on highway

Two makeshift banners proclaiming anti immigration and anti-Islam sentiments were hung along national road eight in western Finland. Like a similar incident in recent weeks, police were unsure about how to proceed Thursday morning.

Valtatien varressa banderolli, jossa lukee "Islam tuhoaa Suomen"
One of the makeshift banners seen along national road eight Thursday morning read: “Islam is destroying Finland.” Image: Matti Kauvo / Yle

Two bedsheet-sized pieces of white fabric that appear to be spray painted with lettering, espousing anti-immigration and anti–Islam sentiments were hung among the trees behind a game fence along a highway.

The banners were seen along national road eight in Satakunta, in western Finland in the early morning hours on Thursday.

In large capital letters, drivers along the road saw the banners’ text: “Islam is destroying Finland,” and “Protect the children’s future, say no to immigration.”

Police said Thursday they were not immediately able to say how they would proceed in the matter.

Yle Uutiset quoted one unidentified police official saying the text is “one opinion among many, the banners might well have read: ‘the maternity allowance is too low.'”


2 Responses

  1. we’re lucky that we can still express our thoughts on all issues in Finland.Let’s keep it like that!

  2. So someone expressed an anti-Islam sentiment. So what?

    Freedom of speech is a basic right that once gone opens the door to the totalitarian ideologies we are all familiar with.

    That is why the left wants to muzzle any opinion or thought that runs counter to their ideological stupidity.

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