ISLAM IN THE USA Islamization




Like I just reported a couple of posts ago, Muslim immigration to the U.S. is repeating the same disasters of the Europeans. Islam is not about being ”equals” among other faiths, but about eventually being the main belief that ends in the quashing of all other belief systems. This would never be similarly reciprocated in a mosque anywhere on the planet. Therein lies the big difference.

NOTE: All public square Islam, sharia supporting Muslims, deserve to be called asses and morons. To bad if it offends.

Muslim call to prayer to sound at Duke University

Posted 4:49 p.m. yesterday

— A weekly call to prayer for Muslims will be heard at Duke University starting Friday, school officials said.

Members of the Duke Muslim Students Association will chant the call, known as adhan or azan, from the Duke Chapel bell tower each Friday at 1 p.m. The call to prayer will last about three minutes and be “moderately amplified,” officials said in a statement Tuesday.

“The adhan is the call to prayer that brings Muslims back to their purpose in life, which is to worship God, and serves as a reminder to serve our brothers and sisters in humanity,” said Imam Adeel Zeb, Muslim chaplain at Duke. “The collective Muslim community is truly grateful and excited about Duke’s intentionality toward religious and cultural diversity.”

In majority Muslim countries across the globe, the adhan is broadcast from mosques and on television and radio stations five times a day to correspond with prayer times. On Fridays, the day of worship in Islam, sermons are also broadcast.

In the United States, amplified adhan exists in a handful of communities.

More here.

10 Responses

  1. Islam’s call to prayer plays an important role in Islam’s systematic violence. The mosques act as constant reminder of Islam’s presence with their call to prayer five times a day in Muslim society. The Mullahs act as a center point to most devout believers. The mullahs’ position is to reinforce Islamic dogma (including Islam’s call to violence) and encourage devout believers to ensure it is upheld.

    Read my thesis on this at:

  2. I request devout Muslims to dump Western Countries. It is better to die than be with those who insult our religion.

    1. I second your motion, please spread it to all of your co-religioinsts.

    2. Excellent, Ahmed. At last, a muslim with some intelligence. Three cheeers for Ahmed.

    3. Smart comment, I agree, Muslims should leave Europe & Western countries and go back to their home countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudia Arabia, Libya, Etc. if they want to impose Sharia & their uncivilized & primitive culture, they have no place in FREE & DEMOCRATIC countries. Their religion is VIOLENT & INTROVERTED against other religions.

    4. Don’t be a fool. No one could insult your “religion”. Here’s why.

      1) It is not a religion. It is a cult. If you can’t quit, change, or criticize it without worrying about being killed by some other muslim, it is a cult.

      2) Islam is an insult to humanity.

      If you think “It is better to die than be with those who insult our” cult. I think that is a good idea. Enjoy the fantasy land of 72 virgins.

  3. Duke University has capitulated to evil.

    Muslims believe that the Koran is the perfect, eternal word of their god Allah. There is no higher source than the word of Allah for what Islam requires of Muslims.

    Muslims are told through the Koran to make war in order to spread Islam. They are told to hate, subjugate and kill non-Muslims and to not take any of them as friends. They are told to kill Jews. They are told that women are inherently inferior to men and that gays and apostates are to be killed. Muslim men are told that they can rape their wives and female slaves.

    All Muslims support Islam. Some by blatantly promoting its brutal, tribal values and some by lying about those values, saying that Islam is a religion of peace and that the acts of Muslim terrorists have nothing to do with Islam.

    Western countries are betrayed by politicians, the media, royalty and other traitors who trot out those same lies and won’t tell their people what Islam’s instructions to Muslims really are.

    Islam is an evil poison and the West desperately needs to be purged. Deport all Muslims to Islamic countries and deport the traitors with them.

  4. If that’s what Ahmed believes; then let’s have lots of Islamic black comedy!

  5. Why not just keep it short and let them shout ‘Seig Heil’ or maybe ‘allahu akbar’ like they do during terrorist attacks. If all Duke University has to offer the USA is this white flag of surrender of Western Civilization to a morally bankrupt and savage ideology built around a slaughter god, then Duke University has rendered itself worse than irrelevant as an institution of learning or anything else.

    1. I do not doubt for a minute that Duke receives some federal assistance in form or another, where is the ACLU in all this? Crickets chirping.

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