ISLAM IN THE USA Islamic Supremacy Islamization



Thankfully the parents are irate, and they should be, their daughters were forced to participate in a religious observance not of their own. Donning the head scarf is not a simple act of respect like a non-Jewish male wearing a yarmulke in a synagogue, the exact equivalent of what they forced these girls to do, would be fora non-Jew to don a full prayer shawl. Such a move crosses over from mere respect, to observance.

NOTE: It’s so obvious that even the Queen of Sweden upon visiting an Islamic beachhead (mosque), did not have a scarf, in fact, she had some kind of slippers on her feet.

H/T: Jamie Glazov

U.S. Students FORCED To Wear Islamic Garb On School Outing, Parents IRATE

US Students FORCED To Wear Islamic Garb On School Outing, Parents IRATE

A Colorado school district has come under fire from parents in the community when a local middle school told girls that they will have to submit to sharia-compliant rules regarding covering their heads and ankles on a field trip to a Muslim mosque in Denver.

According to Western Journalism, the Douglas County School District, located just south of Denver county, informed students and parents that their daughters must abide by an imposed dress code for the world religions field trip taking place Tuesday, January 13. “All students must wear appropriate long pants. Ankles must be covered. Girls must bring wide scarves or hooded sweatshirts for the mosque,” the notice read.

An outraged parent contacted local media outlets to report the forced dress requirement, all of whom allegedly refused to cover the story except for one right-wing radio broadcaster out of Denver, Peter Boyles of KNUS 710. Boyles reached out to Principal Mike Loitz at Rocky Heights Middle School — the school imposing the dress requirements on female students — and Loitz confirmed in the interview on January 6 that they did ask students to comply.

More here.

3 Responses

  1. The level of cultural and historical ignorance among Americans makes me squirm. When my family traveled to Latin American in the early 1960’s, a time when the Roman Catholic Church required women to cover their heads while in church, my mother, sister and I always put on a hat or mantilla before entering some of the region’s many beautiful Baroque churches. If we had forgotten to bring either, there were little old ladies guarding the doors who would give us a Kleenex to cover our heads. We did not do this because we were agreeing with or adopting Catholic Dogma. We did it because it demonstrated courtesy and respect for that Dogma. We weren’t forced to do it – it was our choice to go inside these Churches.

    When we entered a Synagogue, my brother put on a hat for the same reason.

    When I visited famous Mosques in Egypt, I always put took off my shoes and put on a headscarf before entering, not because I was being forced to live under Sharia Law, but to show courtesy and respect for the rules of the people worshipping there.

    If you visit the shrine of a different religion, you are obliged to show respect for that religion by following their rules and etiquette. If you object to those rules, don’t visit the shrine. If you go there anyway, don’t bitch about their rules.

    1. The level of ignorance of people such as yourself makes me ”squirm” as well. Yes Kat, you were complying to sharia norms, which mandates rules for the non-Muslim as well. A head scarf is a prayer shawl for women, you only need to remove your shoes in a mosque to show any kind of ”respect” if you feel the need to do even that. Placing a scarf on your head immediately places you in a position of participation, not observation, which is a very big distinction. These kids were forced to comply, what’s a kid to do when an adult in supervision says: ”put this on”? They’ll put it on because they won’t want to buck that authority, that’s what is in question here. Personally, I’m in favor of, and would tell all non-Muslims to avoid going to mosques.

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