Islam Islam 101 ISLAMIC STATE


Mohamed, the founder of Islam was as blood thirsty, covetous and full of double standards, as the founders of the Islamic State.

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After his defection to Isil, Abu Abdullah said, he followed the example of other Isil “emirs” or leaders, who reigned over his territory with violence, extortion and hypocrisy.
“They kidnap and carry out assassinations,” he said. “They think nothing of bringing down a whole building with women and children inside, just to kill one person.
“A lot of their local and foreign fighters smoke but if they ever catch a civilian doing the same they lock him up, whip him and forced into community service. Why the double standards?”

As my buddy Andy Bostom reminds me: “Well there is a pragmatist inside all jihadists. But toward what end? Mo liked women and power and wealth and complete control!

Bodyguard of Syrian rebel who defected to Isil reveals secrets of the jihadist leadership

Despite propaganda as “leaders of Muslims”, Isil commanders are pragmatists, motivated more by money and power than religious ideologues, says former bodyguard

Before joining Isil Saddam Jamal had been a drug dealer and a commander in the FSA

Before joining Isil Saddam Jamal had been a drug dealer and a commander in the FSA

Saddam Jamal held the mother and father at gunpoint and forced them to watch as his jihadist comrade murdered their children, one by one.

The Isil commander felt no remorse for killing this Syrian family, his bodyguard said, nor did he believe he was fulfilling a God-given creed: for him being a member of the extremist group was a matter of business, not religion.

“Starting with a thirteen-year-old boy, they lined up the sons according to their height and beheaded them in that order,” said the bodyguard, who called himself Abu Abdullah and who has now defected.

“Afterwards, they hung the boys’ heads on the door of the school the family had been hiding in.”

Before joining Isil, Jamal had been a drug dealer, then a commander in the western-backed Free Syrian Army, claiming contacts in the CIA.

That might seem an incongruous life story for a religious ideologue, but Abu Abdullah’s interview with The Telegraph was further evidence that the military leadership of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant is less religiously “pure” than its propaganda suggests.

More here.

One Response

  1. Has Saddam Jamal defected from ISIS – and is now being feted by the West as he spills the beans on is former comrades in arms? What motivaes him,? No doubt the ‘pragmatist in all jihadis’ was smart enough to see the writing on the wall and realises the West is going to grind ISIS into the sand.

    So what now? Speaker’s circuits – mone from articles – and a free passport into the EU. Who’s the lucky country to get this prick? Sweden, Finland, the UK? France?

    Good luck.

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