Denmark Kenya Refugees



Open borders tyrant. (but the open borders are just meant for the West)

That’s pretty much what he was saying, that a sovereign state is ”duty bound” to accept whatever the number of refugees that there may be, meaning, regardless of how many the number and in perpetuity, and refusal to do so means that you’re a racist.

Kenya to Denmark: Keep your refugees

A spokesman for Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta’s government said the proposal “borders on racism”. Photo: Thomas Mukoya/Scanpix

Published: 22 Oct 2014 08:23 GMT+02:00

Two opposition parties’ proposals to send refugees back to where they came from has been slammed by Kenyan officials as “condescending and ridiculous”, according to Kenyan newspaper Daily Nation.

“It almost borders on racism. Why would they want to bring there here from their country?” Mwedna Njoka, a spokesman for Kenya’s Interior Ministry, told the paper.

Earlier this month, opposition parties Liberal Alliance (LA) and the Danish People’s Party (DF) both presented variations on the same basic proposed solution to Denmark’s refugee influx: ship them back from whence they came.

LA’s proposal calls for Denmark to stop accepting all refugees who are fleeing from wars, with party leader Anders Samuelsen telling Jyllands-Posten that “they should be turned around at the airport, put on a plane and sent to a refugee camp in the area of where they came from.” Instead, the party suggests, refugees should be helped in Danish-run camps abroad.

DF’s plan suggested that Danish-run refugee camps should be set up in “an African country, a country in Asia or the Middle East”.

Leading opposition party Venstre called the ideas “interesting” but party spokeswoman Inger Støjberg told Politiko that she had doubts about getting “other countries to take on the responsibility”.

Based on Njoka’s remarks, Denmark can rule out Kenya.

“Every country has an obligation to allow refugees in its country,” Njoka told Daily Nation, which pointed out that Kenya hosts 600,000 refugees from Somalia while Denmark has just 16,000.

Despite the condemning response from Kenya, DF’s Martin Henriksen said he wouldn’t give up his plan.

More here.

2 Responses

  1. I lived in Kenya both before and after independence. Independence for Kenya meant a massive clearing out of whites, their jobs given to barely qualified blacks although in many cases of the more technical jobs they could retain them as an “assistant” to the illiterate black who was given their job. After independence I had to get a work permit which was granted for only a year at the time and was only given if they could not find a black to do my job. After your work permit expired you were given 30 days to leave the country, jail and deportation if you did not leave. No matter how often you got your permit renewed, as a company owner it was easier than most, residency did not qualify you for citizenship, not even after 20 years. Citizenship was restricted to blacks only, as it was for most of the other newly independent African countries. The West should tell Africa that they have come to grasp African wisdom and will follow in their steps.

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