Islam 101



There’s a sword on the Saudi flag for a reason.

saudi flag

The Time has Come to Learn the Truth About Islam by Wolff Bachner

Muslims on WashingtonFOR many critics of Islam, the biggest complaint against Islamists is that both the religious doctrine of Islam and the teachings of many of the leading Islamic authorities are simply devoid of any understanding that more than 4/5 of the world’s population have no interest in Allah or Islam. Islamists are simply unwilling to allow others to go their own way and live a life free of Islam. Non-Muslims want to be left alone to live their own lives without the specter of death, doom and hell-fire hanging over their heads as is constantly threatened by many leading Islamists. The vast majority of human beings simply have no interest in living under the rule of a worldwide Caliphate or converting to Islam by coercion or at the point of a sword. They have no desire to live their lives as Dhimmis and pay blood money to their oppressive Islamic rulers who treat non-Muslims as less than fully human. They find the word ‘Kafir” (unbeliever) as insulting as black people find the “N” word.

Yet real Islam continues to aggressively demand that anyone who falls under their domination either convert to Islam or live a life of fear and oppression as a “Kafir.” Islamists continue to burn churches throughout the Middle East, Asia, and Africa, and they continue to kidnap Christian woman to rape and force them into marriage with Muslims. Islamists continue to execute people for daring to speak their mind about Islam under blasphemy laws that belong to the Stone Age. Many who are brave enough to speak out about the unacceptable behavior of many devout Muslims are either ridiculed by non-Muslim apologists or forced to go into hiding due to Islamic death threats against anyone who offends delicate Muslim sensibilities.

müslüman-kafası_450876Muslims make up 1.2 billion of the world’s six billion human beings. Most of them live in poverty and squalor under the oppressive rule of a king or sultan or dictator. Yet, instead of rising up and throwing off their shackles, they retreat into a permanent state of victim-hood and claim it is all because the West is out to get Muslims and destroy Islam. The Islamic masses live under rulers who are among the richest men in the world while many live in huts and barely feed themselves.

god-bless-hitlerAnd who is to blame for all of this? Ask any Muslim in America, Africa, Asia, Europe or the Middle East, and they will instantly tell you it is all the fault of the Zionist Jews who rule the West and force the Great Satan, America, to kill Muslims. The pathological obsession with the Jewish people that Islam displays would be laughable if so many innocent Jewish people had not died in the last 1400 years at the hands of all too willing Muslims screaming “Allah Akbar” while they decapitate, stab, shoot and blow up Jews. The killing of the Fogel Family, where Palestinian teenagers killed an entire Jewish Israeli family and decapitated their three-month-old child, is just the latest in an endless saga of Islamic hate and terror towards Jews. Yet it was barely mentioned in the World Press. The killers were glorified in the streets of Ramallah, where candy was passed out to celebrate the death of a Jewish family.


Yet the world insists on calling Islam the “Religion of Peace” and chooses to ignore all the oppression and violence that is committed daily against non-Muslims by Islamists. Some are silent out of fear. Some are in league with Islamists for their own nefarious reasons. Some are so blinded by their own Leftist, progressive ideologies that they are incapable of ever seeing the truth. Some are so possessed of their own hate for Caucasians and Jews that they find common cause with Islam.

Whatever the reason, speaking out and telling the truth about Islam in America is a one-way ticket to being called an “Islamophobe” and being ostracized politically, financially and socially. Most Americans just do not want to hear about the wolf at their door until it is too late and the wolf has eaten their children.


Meanwhile, we see nothing but destruction and death rising out of the ashes of the Arab “Spring.” Copts are being killed in Egypt and their churches burned. Gays are being executed in Iran. Boko Haram is blowing up one crowded church after the other in Nigeria. Saudi Arabia is cutting off women’s heads for sorcery. Syria is infested with jihadists who are butchering non-Muslims. Libya is overrun with Islamist militias. Dubai charges female rape victims with adultery. Lebanon is in rubble. Jordan’s king is fighting for survival against Obama’s favorite group, the Muslim Brotherhood. Pakistan sentences people to life in prison for insulting Mohammad. The list is almost endless and the chaos is mind numbing.

More here. H/T: Lisa Michelle

4 Responses

  1. Good article.
    First: Islam is not a religion it is a cult.
    2nd: It is fascist since it subsumes and negates the individual to the diktat of the cult.
    3rd: It is openly misogynist.
    4th: 1600 verses in the Koran are hate speech advocating violence, control, or domination of non-Moslems.
    5th: Islam is a total failure measured in any imaginable way – economic, moral, intellectual, political….
    6th: The antecedents of this fascist cult come right out of the Bronze Age – read Hammurabi’s codex and compare it to the Koran for eg. Islam is a pre-modern barbarism, beset with rituals and stupidities.

    Time to end Islam.

  2. A retarded death cult described as a religion. The cult of hate, violence and kill.
    The cult of şhitslam should be banned world wide.
    Murderous uneducated cowards. They destroy. They do not invent or create.
    Destroy islam, or watch the end of civilization!

  3. Western people won’t educate them *selves* about islam because our gangster culture encourages us all to idolatrously defer all individual thinking to those “authorities” we PAY to do our thinking and research for us!

    And they secretly know full-well that the salesmen in charge will always sell us all out!

    The treasonous enemedia presstitutes should be the first to go, for selling out our children’s futures in order to save only their own worthless cowardly skins.

    I know almost everything about islam (unfortunately; although it’s members never cease to amaze and sicken me with creative new atrocities) simply because it has its core (the Qur’an, 2 sahih and 4 less-so ahadith, the Sirat, and the 4 Sunni and 1 Shia maddhab fiqhs of sharia) and that’s it!

    They cannot add to it, nor “reform” any of it; islam cannot and will not ever change, in any way, because it’s the “perfect” word of allah, and the metaphoric so-called “gates of ijtihad (interpretation) have been closed for centuries!

    Surah Al-Ma’idah 5.3 informs Muslims that Allah has PERFECTED Islam. Can perfection be improved? Can perfection be reformed?? If genocidal conquest is perfect, how can it be eliminated as a sacrament of Islam???

    Surah Al-An’am 6.115 informs us that “none can change his words”. Surah Al-Kahf 18.27 confirms the immutability of Allah’s words: the Qur’an. Surah Yunus 10.64 confirms the obvious. Surah Ar-Rum 30.30 tells us that Islam cannot be changed. Exactly what part of this is not clear to you? Islam is the perfected wart of Allah and cannot be reformed. It is immutable.

    Surah Al-Anfal 8.39 commands Muslims to wage war against pagans until resistance ceases and only Allah is worshiped. Surah At-Taubah 9.29 commands Muslims to wage war against people with scriptural religions until they are subjugated and submit to annual demands for extortion. Both commands are without chronological or geographic limits. They are permanent in duration and global in scope.

    Muslims are admonished in Surah At-Taubah -.38-39, that they will suffer a “painful torment” if they do not join the Jihad. Muslims are promised, in Surah At-Taubah 9.111 and Surah As-Saff 10-12 that he will admit them to his celestial bordello if they join the Jihad.

    Jihad is the Muslim’s get out of Hell free card! If he does not play that card, he meets Allah with a defect: hypocrisy. (Sunan Ibn Majah Vol. 4 #2763)

    The minimum Jihad quota is once each year. If Jihad is not performed in a year when it was possible, all with knowledge of the imperative are sinners, liable to eternal damnation. (Reliance of the Traveller O9.1, Hedaya 2.140-141, The Book of Jihad pg. 18)

    Muslims are commanded, in Surah Al-Anfal 8.57, to treat vanquished foe harshly so as to strike terror into those behind them. They are commanded in 8.60 to maximize the power of their army so as to terrify thereby prospective victims.

    Muslims are promised, in Surah At-Taubah 9.120, that acts of terrorism will be rewarded with extra credit towards an upgrade in the celestial bordello.

    Muslims are warned, in Surah Al-Baqarah 2.85, that they cannot select the parts of the Qur’an they like and reject the rest.

    Islam can be easily studied and known in its entirety, by anyone.

    So, when Western people won’t educate them *selves* about islam because our culture defers all thinking to those “authorities” we PAY to do our thinking and research for us, while they secretly know full-well that the salesmen in charge will always sell us all out, they ARE CRIMINALLY NEGLIGENT INFANTILE DELINQUENT TRAITORS TO RATIONALITY AND CIVILIZATION!

    It should never be allowed by backwards people to be considered “illegal” to accuse these criminals (moslems) of their crimes, allegedly because the painful truth might offend them or hurt their feelings, & so “make” them commit even more crimes!

    No problem was ever solved by ignoring it, & nobody is doing even these moslems any favours, by indulging their historic lies that islam is a “religion” (at all, much less one “of peace”) or a “race” (much less one of poor oppressed People Of Colour”)!

    Pretending there is NOT a Muslim problem but only a white racist problem accepting diversity, is criminally negligent TREASON.

    ALL moslems are criminals: by their own rules, they must endorse in public every word in the Qur’an, which tells them that they are so “superior” to all non-moslems, that it’s not only their right, but also their holy duty to their god, to extort, enslave, and murder all the non-moslems in the world, simply for the “crime” of not being moslems.

    So the Qur’an is a clearly-written, us-versus-them hate-crime book, endorsing a permanent might-makes-right death-threat.

    ALL muslims are criminals, as being members of the ancient, ongoing global extortion racket called islam. In sharia law texts, muslims are SUPPOSED to be regarded as threats (as “objects of fear”) by all the unbelievers, whether or not the individual muslim has itself actually committed any crimes.

    That’s why we have laws against simply being a MEMBER of a crime-gang or ‘criminal enterprise’ because their membership endorses the inherent threat. Threats are crimes in themselves: they are psychological attacks, also known as intimidation, bullying, coercion, duress, harrassment, activist agitation, extortion, and “terrorism.”

    And even any “only” attempted crimes are still considered by civilized people to be crimes.

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