Anti-Israel bigotry and bias anti-Semitism anti-semitism in Norway Holocaust Humanitarian Mask Norway Norway's anti-Israel Lobby Uncategorized



Norwegian serial Holocaust abuser.

Yesterday in Norway, on the 70th anniversary (26.11.1942) of the first deportations of Norwegian Jews to the death camps of the German National Socialists during WWII, the Norwegian police officially apologized for its role in these deportations.

Audun Lysbakken is a Norwegian Leftist politician domestically known, among Israel supporters, for his anti-Israel hate mongering. The Tundra Tabloids has been informed that Lysbakken spoke at the memorial for these Jews in Bergen yesterday.

According to a TT source who forwarded the story, Lysbakken tries to whitewash his Israelhatred over the bodies of the Jews sent to their death by his fellow Norwegians during the war.

NOTE: Lysbakken and the crocodile tears he sheds over the dead Jews of the Holocaust, are simply not believable, in fact, they’re highly disingenuous. This is due to his consistent being at war with the world’s biggest memorial to the holocaust, the Jewish state of Israel.

If Lysbakken would spend more of his energy protecting the Jews that are living, than the memory of those who are dead (that he and others like him use to beef up their fake humanitarian credentials every year), then the world would be indeed a better place. That would be a more fitting way to honor the memory of those murdered in the Holocaust.

The following is from a Norwegian Friends of Israel website, MIFF. Also, The person mentioned by Lysbakken, Kåre Willoch, is another notorious anti-Israel hater as well.

Lysbakken and white washing

November 27, 2012

Leader of SV, Audun Lysbakken’s opinion piece and commentary on the Holocaust memorial November 26, 2012:

“I think therefor that we who are critical of the Israeli occupation and treatment of the Palestinians have a particular responsibility to clearly speak up when someone is stepping over the line between legitimate critique of the state of Israel and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, or making attacks against Jews as a group”1

«If the commemoration of the Holocaust is reserved for those who agree with the policies of the current Israeli government, then we are heading onto a dangerous path. That will make the front against anti-Semitism narrow, and in a time where on the contrary we need to unite despite political differences in order to fight hatred towards Jews”2

Lysbakken answering on the general critique from MIFF concerning his and Willoch’s participation in the memorial and it being “tasteless”:

“My perspective is the opposite. When we are going to commemorate Holocaust, and prevent that it may ever happen again, it must be a strength that people that normally have different views on most things in society can stand together behind the same posters/placards and torches. At that time Willoch and I can for once walk together, and I hope that MIFF could also”

Why SV in their program for 2009-2013 supports only the right of return for the Palestinian refugees?” 4



2.) Ibid


4.) Ibid

3 Responses

  1. Lefties always love dead Jews but hate live ones.

  2. Quote:

    “NOTE: Lysbakken and the crocodile tears he sheds over the dead Jews of the Holocaust, are simply not believable, in fact, they’re highly disingenuous. This is due to his consistent being at war with the world’s biggest memorial to the holocaust, the Jewish state of Israel.”

    An incredibly poignant characterization . . .the world’s biggest memorial to the holocaust, the Jewish state of Israel. . .which should prove most effective in countering the opposition’s narrative, concisely exposed above by Steve Bronfman.

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