anti-Semitic attack anti-Semitism Islam in France Islamic anti-Semitism



At the hands of the usual suspects. 

Jewish pupils attacked outside school in Paris

November 22, 2012

(JTA) — Students and faculty of a predominantly Jewish school near Paris have reported two attacks and one break-in in the space of 48 hours.

The first attack against students of the ORT high school in Montreuil, an eastern suburb of the French capital, occurred on Nov. 19 just outside the institution’s gates, according to a statement issued by the school. Six young men started hitting a small group of students “in a very determined way and without any provocation or even exchanging words.”

Pupils who rushed to their schoolmates’ aid – including one non-Jewish ORT student of Turkish descent — also were attacked, according to ORT.  The attackers slammed one of them, Nathan M., against a parking meter. “He was severely beaten by the attackers, who fractured his nose and broke several of his teeth,” according to ORT’s report on the incident. Police were called to the scene but the attackers had already left.

The following day, a 17-year-old Jewish female ORT student was attacked verbally and physically in a Metro station. The girl said she was waiting for a friend at Montreuil station when she was approached by a group of five men who she described as “north African.” The report said the five men, one of them wearing a keffiyeh, a traditional Arab headdress, shoved her and told her to keep quiet or they would push her on the rails when the Metro train comes “like they did in Gaza.”

A third incident was discovered the same day, when security guards tried to detain a man in his thirties who was spotted on school premises. He ran away after telling the guards he was Muslim and that his presence there showed they had security failures, the report said.

H/T: Fjordman via Jihad Watch/David

One Response

  1. From Dr. Andrew Bostom’s book “Sharia vs. Freedom”, pg. 170:

    “…Bat Ye’or summarized the bitter harvest western Europe was reaping from the sociopolitical and culural changes it had sewn over the intervening three decades, the result

    ‘of a global movement that is transforming Europe into a new contenent of dhimmitude within a worldwide strategy ofj ihad and da’wa, the latter being the pacific method of Islamization…this policy of dhimmitude for the Euro-Arabian continent…entitled ‘Dialogue between Peoples and Cultures in the Euro-Mediterranean Region” was accepted by the European Union in december 2003. Unfortunately, the policy of “Dialogue” with the Arab League nations, willfully pursued by Europe for the past yhree decades has promoted European dhimmitude and rabid Judeophobia.”

    And rabid Judeophobia is an apt characterization. During a November 14, 2005 presentation at the Center for Immigration Studies in Washington DC, Stephen Steinlight, former director of education at the US Holocaust Memorial Council, and subsequently director of national affairs at the American Jewish Committee, cited data demonstratingthat Muslim youths, or more appropriately, youthful Muslim thugs, engaged in an average of twelve attacks per day on Parisian Jews, “putting the figures…close to [those] during the days of the Weimar Republic.”

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