anti-Semitic attack anti-Semitism France



Lets be clear here, the focus of attacks in France, is overwhelmingly against Jews.

Jewish communal leaders in France say an attack on three Jewish men Saturday night was just the latest in a line of anti-Semitic incidents against the country’s Jews.

“There has been a series of acts like the one in in Villeurbanne,”  said Richard Prasquier, president of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France (CRIF), according to Le Figaro.

Police are still searching for the culprits behind the incident Saturday night near the southern city of Lyon, in which 10 attackers assaulted three 18-year-old Jewish men outside a Jewish center in Villeurbanne. Two of the victims were taken to the hospital after being beaten with a hammer and metal rod.

Police believe the attackers are of North African extraction.

Joël Mergui, president of the Central Consistory, an umbrella organization working to coordinate local Jewish communities, said the country’s Jews were under constant attack. “Not a week passes without anti-Semitic assaults in France. I refuse to believe Jews will be forced to choose between security and their Jewish identity.”

More here.

H/T Vlad.

One Response

  1. And that’s not all in France :

    Le député (UMP) Jacques Myard relate, ce lundi, qu’à Sartrouville (Yvelines), il a été accueilli sur le marché des Indes par une jeune adulte : “Vous n’avez rien à faire ici, ici c’est un terre arabe, c’est une terre appartenant aux musulmans, ce n’est pas une terre française ; vous êtes des racistes, des sionistes, vous devez partir”.

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