Islam 101


The Baron of Gates of Vienna sends the following essay by El Inglés, and asks that this be spread far and wide, for in the one, El Inglés outshines all his previous work. KUDOS. KGS

Our Muslim Troubles: Lessons from Northern Ireland

An excerpt from The Baron’s intro:
The paper below examines the likely violent confrontation that lies ahead. El Inglés compares the coming Muslim Troubles in Britain with the Troubles in Northern Ireland, and highlights their similarities and differences. Some of the differences seem negative — for example, there will be no equivalent of the Good Friday Agreement to end the Muslim Troubles — but there are also surprising reasons for optimism, as you will soon discover.

For those readers who don’t want to contemplate any of these awful scenarios, and think ill of those who predict them: Just skip this series of essays. They contain no good news.

We offer a variety of other articles that are not so grim, and you will find numerous other Counterjihad sites that examine the scandals and shocking news about Islamization without ever taking a hard-eyed realistic look at what lies ahead.

For the rest of you: Take a deep breath. This is the shape of things to come.

This post is the first of five parts. This entire series will be made available as a single document in pdf format after the final part is published here.

Our Muslim Troubles: Lessons from Northern Ireland

by El Inglés

I. Foreword

I was born too late for anything other than the tail end of the Troubles to really enter my consciousness directly. As would have been true for many people of my age, I had no particular interest in politics when the Good Friday Agreement was signed in 1998, and lived too far from any area likely to be attacked by the IRA for their increasingly infrequent and non-lethal acts of terrorism to make much of an impression on me. The Omagh bombing is the only Irish republican terrorist attack of note that I can remember being aware of at the time.

My total ignorance of Irish history and the Troubles was something that I became increasingly aware of over time. This awareness heightened fairly rapidly after I somehow commenced a second (and non-remunerative) career as an analyst of the possibility of violent conflict between Europeans and Muslims in Europe. Eventually I decided to address this intellectual deficit and embarked upon an open-ended and entirely self-directed research project into the Troubles. On doing so, I not only discovered much fascinating history, but also a massive treasure trove of insights into the type of conflict likely to erupt eventually between British patriots keen on keeping Britain British and seditious Muslims keen on turning it into something rather different.

However immodest it may sound, the utter lack of concern about or interest in the Troubles that prevailed over the first three-and-a-bit decades of my life has given me one key advantage in trying to draw lessons from them. British though I am, they are nonetheless history to me, in that they do not possess any particular emotional heft one way or the other, and therefore allowed me to approach them in what I hope has been a largely dispassionate manner.

I explain this not out of some sudden autobiographical urge, but out of a desire to have taken seriously by readers the following claim: nothing I say about the Troubles or any actor within them, state or non-state, should be taken as implying any value judgement thereupon. As suggested above, I view the Troubles selfishly, as a huge body of data existing to be mined for an advance understanding of what we British are likely to fairly shortly find ourselves involved in with our Muslim fifth column. Retrospective approval or condemnation of the various parties to the Troubles I will leave to others.


One Response

  1. I am trying toread all of this ,but i am unable to access all the material,please help.regards Andrew.

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