Germany Leftist anti-Semitism Leftist Fascism Obama's Occupy Wall Street Loons


The Finnish leftist Greens did the exact same thing, when they equated the Star of David with the symbol of national socialism, the swastika, in their party paper. Leftism is the political cradle for modern day anti-Semitism:

Adolf Hitler: “If we are socialists, then we must definitely be anti-Semites,” Hitler explained during a party speech in Munich, August 1920, “How, as a socialist, can you not be an anti-Semite?”

UPDATE: Eliyahu comments: Note that the flyer says: No More War for Israel [nie wieder krieg fur Israel]. As if the Germans had ever been fighting FOR Israel. It also insinuates that Israel has deliberately caused wars. That was an old theme of Judeophobic propaganda, and is found –I believe– in the forged “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”

Duisburg District Attorney Rolf Haferkamp said authorities were probing the possible criminal use of unconstitutional symbols. Germany has strong hate-speech laws which generally forbid anti-Semitic literature or the use of swastikas in propaganda.

The document, which The Left party has since has disavowed, was discovered on the homepage of the party’s Duisburg branch this week. It featured a Jewish star of David with a swastika inside of it. The leaflet denied the holocaust, called for a boycott on Israeli goods and vilified Israel as a “true rogue state with warmongers.”

Hans-Werner Rook, spokesman for The Left, said he didn’t know how the leaflet got on the website and said party officials were searching for its author. The link was taken down as soon it was discovered.

“We are totally outraged. That’s all far-right radical nonsense,” said Rook, speculating that an extremist mole burrowed himself into the party and posted the flyer onto the website.

More here.

NOTE: No, it’s not “far-right” radical nonsense, it’s always been a socialist affair, whether it was communist or fascist socialism promoting anti-Semitism.

6 Responses

  1. Note that the flyer says: No More War for Israel [nie wieder krieg fur Israel].

    As if the Germans had ever been fighting FOR Israel. It also insinuates that Israel has deliberately caused wars. That was an old theme of Judeophobic propaganda, and is found –I believe– in the forged “Protocols of the Elders of Zion.”

  2. Why is anyone shocked or even surprised at all? I’m not.

  3. What’s interesting about this is that this is exactly the model followed in France by leftists who became Vichy Nazi collaborators. Although they began as Dreyfus sympathizers, the radical “peace activist” stance made them unwilling to face the threat of Nazism. They resented the Jews for agitating against Nazis oppression–leftists called these protests “warmongering”. In the end, most of them joined the Vichy regime. Leftist, Nazi, leftist, Islamist terrorist, it’s all the same.

  4. Here’s what’s scary about this. All too often it is ultimately discovered that groups like this have sympathizers in high places of the German security agencies, police forces etc.

    As far as I remember, displaying the swastika is a crime in Germany. It will be interesting to see if the people who did this are successfully investigated and caught.

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