burning koran Iran


The Tundra Tabloids is very proud of these two Iranians for setting fire to the Koran, it was indeed a brave act for them to do. Kudos!

NOTE: If anyone has skills in Farsi, please contact the TT for a translation.

Koran Burned in Iran (video)

Two anonymous young men in Iran, one Iranian and one Afghan, have burned a Koran in protest. This seven-and-a-half minute long video shows the two men, their faces obscured, holding the Muslim holy book and reading prepared statements. Afterwards they stand the Koran on a flat rock, douse it alcohol and light it. One of them hoots and laughs. The book burns fiercely, and after a few moments one of them sprays more alcohol into the flames. The video ends with them warming their hands over the blazing book.

More here.

H/T: Vlad

More Iranians burning Korans, their coming in from all directions. From Infidel:

This section of the film is for the Iranians to burn the Koran and throwing insults at Arabs and Muslims and Almspp and challenging and insulting the Holy Koran and Islam is considered the cause of failure of the Iranians and the world.

Here the scene and full text translation of their talk and their curses and insults to Arabs:

This is what you see now is the Koran, the Book of Superstitions Muslims and Arabs who came to us by force, killing and destruction and the occupation of a homeland (Iran) and brought us the myths and destruction and is the reason for the underdevelopment of our country.

Must burn the fads and myths because we live in a twenty-first century. Now I pour oil (oil) on it, they saw, how well you pour oil upon, now saw how to burn. Must burn the Koran. I saw how you burn the Koran. Death to Islam, dirty, this is known as slavery as a good work. We are Iranian, Woe to the religion dirty.

To throw him from where he was to us. This (Quran) is good only for the Arabs. We are Iranians, we must all do this and burn the Koran. Burned the Koran.
I along with my friends I burned the Koran dirty, I’m an Iranian citizen, the curse on the Arabs. Arabs destroyed our country for all thousand and four hundred years of this culture.

By the sword entered Iran, and killed us and we exceeded. And now, as young Chahdonhm and kill and they change the name of Iran’s favor. These Arabs are honored by the confiscation of (Iranian girls) to Dubai, and to other countries. This burned the Koran if you are the Iranians, all Iranians were burning the Koran, because this book wherever he arrived, the reason to kill a lot of people behind him and thousands of discord and hatred. I ask all my friends that they burn and destroy the Koran.

This book is a book that is unlucky. Request that you burn in earnest. I feel euphoria and happiness when you burn the Koran. The thrill of burning the Koran for me I can not describe. Thank God, I thank all my friends all the beliefs and attitudes, it is important to be against Islam, the religion of Islam and think dirty.

Damn Albesi and curse on the Party of God, curse them all, the curse on the clergy. I feel happy and I’m burning the Koran. You burned the Koran as well.

5 Responses

  1. Did Obama and Ban Ki-Moon already condemn this? 😉

  2. I hope the brave young Iranians have burned that bold jumper, it is a real giveaway!!

  3. suggest you try running this by MEMRI or the israeli broadcasting authority–iba has a farsi newscast that is pretty popular in iran..

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