Islam 101 Islam in the UK


Remember folks, these fundamulsims are calling for Dr.Usama Hasan to be removed before the East London mosque becomes a “hotbed of modernist extremism”.

For anyone still pushing, or at least, believing in the meme that Islam needs a reformation for it to join the 21st century, please keep in mind that they’ve already seen where the enlightenment has taken the Christian West, and they’ll fight tooth and nail to prevent the same from happening to Islam.

While much of Christendom accepted the Enlightenment as a means to prove Christian thought, the Muslims, including fundamuslims and cultural Muslims, are not taking that leap of faith, they reject it out of hand. So in other words, don’t hold your breath for there isn’t going to be “a Muslim enlightenment”. KGS

UPDATE: The Independent states:

“A prominent British imam has been forced to retract his claims that Islam is compatible with Darwin’s theory of evolution after receiving death threats from fundamentalists.”

London imam subjected to death threats for supporting evolution

Dr Usama Hasan has caused uproar with his views on women’s right to refuse the veil and the subject of evolution. Photograph: Don McPhee for the Guardian

An imam of an east London mosque has been subject to death threats and intimidation for expressing his views on evolution and women’s right to refuse the veil.

Dr Usama Hasan, vice-chairman at Leyton mosque and a senior lecturer in engineering at Middlesex University, ceased delivering Friday prayers after 25 years of service when 50 Muslim protesters disrupted his lecture by handing out leaflets against him and shouting in the mosque for his execution.

A statement from the secretary of the mosque, Mohammad Sethi, that was leaked to extremist websites, said Hasan had been suspended after his lecture resulted in “considerable antagonism” from the community and for his “belief that Muslim women are allowed to uncover their hair in public”.

Sethi’s letter, dated 24 February, said Hasan’s views were in “violation of the constitution of the Masjid Trust” and that the decision had been made for the “safety and security of all parties”.

But Suhaib Hasan, who is the imam’s father and chairman of the mosque, posted a counter-statement on the mosque’s website on Thursday. It claimed his son had been the victim of a “vicious and predetermined agenda” by a “faction of trustees” and their decision to remove him was void because their meeting was inquorate.

The chairman said the threats and disruption had come largely from Muslims outside the mosque’s community.

The death threats against Hasan were made in an anonymous leaflet handed out by protesters. It quotes religious authorities saying that any Muslim who believes in evolution is an “apostate” who “must be executed”.

Hasan says he believes the leaflets were produced by the website Islamic Awakening. The website’s leader, Abu Zubair, has led a long campaign against Hasan including making threats when Hasan was delivering a lecture in January.

An online petition against Hasan has apparently attracted 1,100 signatories, although they are not listed publicly. The petition says they are “horrified” by his views on evolution and call for him to be removed before the mosque becomes a “hotbed of modernist extremism”.

More here.

H/T: Scottish Infidel

3 Responses

  1. I believe that the first step of the Western world away from Vatican dogma was the Reformation. The Enlightenment was merely icing on the cake. It is also noticeable that the great scientific and engineering/technological revolutions took place in Protestant northern European nations.

  2. Muslims dont believe in evolution? Oh well, that explains a lot about Islam and Muslims

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