Abu Hamza Islam in the UK


This is so wrong on so many levels, that one is hard pressed to know where to begin. It’s safe to say however that this creep should have never been allowed to set foot in the UK, or any other Western state for that matter, but at the least, deported from the UK in light of his terrorist activities. And the Home Office at one time banned Geert Wilders and still do, radio talk show host, Michael Savage, from entry, but this piece of human garbage is allowed to stay, and on the backs of the UK taxpayers. Sickening isn’t it?  KGS
Abu Hamza: Thanks UK, I couldn’t have stayed on the dole 
without your great judicial system we someday hope to subvert

Hate preacher Abu Hamza wins human rights bid to stop British government stripping him of UK passport

Hate preacher Abu Hamza has won his appeal against the Government’s attempts to strip him of his British passport, a special tribunal ruled today.

The radical cleric argued that such a move would render him ‘stateless’ as he had already been stripped of his Egyptian citizenship.

Delivering its 12-page ruling today, the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (Siac) allowed his appeal.

The hook-handed cleric, who acquired a British passport through marriage, is serving seven years in maximum security Belmarsh Prison after being convicted for inciting murder and racial hatred in 2006.

The Home Office sought to remove the British citizenship he received in 1986 so he could be deported.

In his ruling, Mr Justice Mitting said: ‘We are satisfied on balance of probabilities that if a deprivation order were to be made, the appellant (Hamza) would be made stateless.

‘The conclusions which we have reached in the closed judgment supplement, but do not contradict, that conclusion.

‘Accordingly, this appeal is allowed.’

But the 52-year-old used a high-powered team of lawyers – funded by the taxpayer – to successfully argue his case.

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4 Responses

  1. The Brits have no Ba##s so they must suffer the results of their liberal, leftist elected officials.

  2. After the First World War, somebody said that the British were a nation of lions, led by donkeys. It's as true now as it was then.

  3. Britain didn't want this – again, it's the EU imposing its Leftist, PC views on everyone.

  4. The more people rise up against statism/socialism, the quicker we can put an end to the nonsense.

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