Islam Islamic Supremacy Saudi Arabia


Brought to you by the land that unfortunately brought to you, Mohamed, the mad prophet of allah’s Islam. What was Obamster saying the other day about Ramadan? Oh yeah..this:
Obamster: But Ramadan is also a time of intense devotion and reflection – a time when Muslims fast during the day and pray during the night; when Muslims provide support to others to advance opportunity and prosperity for people everywhere.”

Quick, take it down before it gets broadcasted any further, we wouldn’t want to be seen as advancing  opportunity and prosperity for people everywhere! 

Al-Reuters: A popular Saudi holiday sitcom has drawn the ire of conservative clerics over an episode portraying Arab Christians in a positive light after the kingdom sought to sell itself as a leader of dialogue between faiths.
“Tash Ma Tash,” which has aired during the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan for 17 years, is no stranger to controversy and its episodes have grown bolder over the years, tackling issues from morals police and polygamy to the heavy influence of religion on education in the deeply conservative society.
U.S. (TT: false) ally Saudi Arabia is ruled by an absolute monarchy in coordination with clerics from the austere Wahhabi school of Islam, who oversee the judiciary and education and run a police service that enforces strict Islamic-behavior guidelines.
A two-part “Uncle Boutros” episode of the sitcom showed the two main Saudi characters, both Muslims, being advised by their dying father to visit the brother of their deceased Lebanese mother, about whom they know next to nothing.
After a tearful reunion, the pair discover their mother’s relatives were Christians and Uncle Boutros was a priest. Despite their initial shock, the brothers slowly come to respect their uncle’s Christianity, although they try to convert him to Islam and give him a Koran.
The duo are pleased when their uncle hands them a box of jewelry that had belonged to their mother and which he had held for them for years. They also respect their uncle’s charitable deeds toward a Lebanese Muslim neighbor.
But some Saudi clerics were not impressed.
“A Muslim is allowed to praise only the one true religion — Islam,” said Eissa al-Ghaith, a judge at the Justice Ministry, in remarks carried by al-Madina newspaper on Sunday.
Independent Islamic scholar Abdulwahab al-Salhi said the “indecent lot of ‘Tash Ma Tash’ … used drama to destroy Muslims’ stable religious principles by portraying Christians as believers and not apostates.”

5 Responses

  1. BOO HOO HOO! The Saudi's are upset, this is just more evidence when it comes to Islam or the so-called 'Religion Of Peace', it's ALWAYS their way or no way.

  2. Exactly. It's very during an international crisis involving an natural disaster next to nothing in aid arrives from Muslim lands if it happens in a non-Muslim land.

  3. I wonder what such people are doing on planet earth.What are these people living for? God only knows?

  4. When Christians do good, it is no good for muslims. When muslims do bad, it is good for muslims…

  5. Just shows what poisoned minds these
    addle brains have.
    No fun in life means no future; their whole future based on promoting everyone's favourite death cult.
    Miserable mind programmed halfwits.

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