The Dutch lefty magazine “Vrij Nederland” takes notice of the campaign the international Counterjihad has going to help fill the Wilder’s coffers to help with his legal fees. That is what the TT calls an excellent act of international cooperation. The Vrij Nederland gets the details pretty much, it even mentions that the Gates of Vienna as the vehicle spearheading the drive to fund Geert Wilders. There’s also a picture of Geert Wilders posing with Pamela Geller from Atlas Shrugs. Great going guys! KGS

Dollars – and euros –  to Wilders

The international fan club of Geert Wilders has thrown in the Dutch election campaign. The past two days the call spreads Urgent Help Now Geert rapidly through the blogs of the counter-Jihad Movement. “Geert Wilders and the PVV make a fight to the death against the forces of jihad. In recent years, Geert Wilders, the international symbol of the struggle against Islam now. ”
The PVV, so the call goes further, refusing government subsidy to remain independent. Other parties have supported it. “As a result of the PVV is difficult to survive this election. The Dutch public broadcasting is taking a massive campaign to PVV suspect it. ”
But fans of Wilders can do something about it. They can deposit money in their party the PVV. “Ten thousand ordinary people who each give a few dollars can offset what Wilders does not the government or wealthy donors get.”
The ‘Help Geert Buy “action began two days ago an email from a PVV-member (who is not known) to the anti-Islam site, Gates of Vienna. The owner of the site, Baron Bodissey, Wilders described as the ‘de facto leader of the European counter-jihad movement. “His success will have major impact, far beyond the limits of his own country.”
Fri Netherlands wrote earlier about the fundraising in America for Wilders’ lawsuit. Money that goes directly to the PVV.  Foreign donations to the election fund of Dutch parties, unlike many other countries where it is prohibited in the Netherlands possible.

3 Responses

  1. Thanks IB your contribution is greatly appreciated. And yes I have given as well.

  2. I've just sent a donation — he's fighting for all of us both in Europe and here in the US. Show the support!

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