Diantha Harris US

Update On Asheville Teacher Diatha Harris The Bully…….

The Tundra Tabloids broke the story on Diantha Harris this past Monday, the Asheville North Carolina teacher caught in a Swedish documentary badgering and bullying a pupil because she supported John McCain for president. Well the Tundra Tabloids has been busy following up on the story to find out which school Diantha Harris was/still is teaching at.

UPDATE: The TT has been deluged by rresponses by from its readers. A VERY BIG THANK YOU!

What is known now, thanks to diligent readers’ efforts, is that her name is actually Diatha Harris, the Swedish documentary misspelled her name, so it’s no fault of the TT, which only reported the facts as it saw them. Also, a commentor left the following info on Diatha Harris:

She’s in Cumberland County… Fayetteville. A LONG way away from Asheville.

HerBoard: http://www.communications.ccs.k12.nc.us/Board/BOE.htm

Her School: http://www.mmes.ccs.k12.nc.us/faculty_and_staff.htm

Apparently you can email her directly from the school’s website.

You can use your 1st amendment rights as an American to let this woman know what you think of her educational techniques!

Email Diantha: http://www.mmes.ccs.k12.nc.us/email/diathaharris.htm


Original post:

What I have been able to ascertain from the scant information available about the woman in question on the Internet, she is not employed as a regular teacher, but more likely as a substitute. Her ex-husband, Roy Harris happened to be on the Board of Educationfor the Asheville City Schools, so it is very likely that, Diantha Harris’s ex-husband is responsible for securing a place for his wife to teach, at least that’s how I see it until proven otherwise.

The TT is seeking any available information about this woman, is she a real licenced teacher, and in what school, in order for the proper local authorities to be contacted and informed on what took place in that class room. Hopefully someone is from the area, or knows of someone living in the area that could do some digging. Any help would be appreciated.

Grade school ‘teacher’ Diaatha Harris in Ashville N.Carolina, grilling the young, and shaping their minds. KGS

43 Responses

  1. Hot Air (www.hotair.com) just picked this up.

    You’re about to get alot of support.

    Your link has been sent to Drudge and Sean Hannity. I suspect Rush also.

    Great job bringing this teacher’s disgusting and vile display of brainwashing and humiliation of young pupils out into public view.

    Keep up the good work.

  2. I just spoke with Asheville school district and they said she hasn’t taught there for at least 5 years. Woman thought she was somewhere in the eastern part of the state. Roy Harris is not listed as a school board member on their website. He must of quit becasue he is listed on websites from earlier years.

  3. E–mail from local TV station

    Thanks for the heads up about the teacher. So far, our research reveals
    that this teacher works in Cumberland County, NC. We are alerting our
    sister station WTVD about this video.

    We appreciate the interest.

  4. Contact the local newspaper and newschannels there and send them the video. They love doing those “investigative reports” where they show up at people’s homes with video cameras to badger them about something controversial they did. That would be some just desserts for this “teacher.”

  5. Guess who has your video posted? Of course, without any credit to you.. and even this:

    33 Charles 11/06/08 2:33:36 pm reply quote 6

    I’m not going to send any traffic to tundratabloid. Links to that site will be deleted.

    What a small man he truly is…

  6. This lady needs to be removed. Why is she trying to make these kids like Obama if they don’t want to. Why is she saying that the girls daddy will be at war for a 100 years and scareing her. This lady should be fired. She’s a disgrace to teachers who are suppose to teach not BRAINWASH kids. Stupid Kool-Aid drinking Obamabitch!

  7. Hi, my son is a teacher in a neighboring school system in N.C. He is researching D. Harris now. Her full name is Lisa Diantha Harris from Ashville N.C. and she graduated from Fayetteville State University. She is currently teaching 5th grade in a Cumberland Co. N.C. elementary school. Cumberland Co. is the home of Ft. Bragg and the 82nd Airborne Div. In her resume’ her stated goal is to be the superentendant of the N.C. school system. I will post more as it becomes available.

  8. Hello, great site, just found it. I am an American, who served 24 years in the Air Force, just recently retired. Now I am a law enforcement officer. I just watched the video and am outraged at what I saw. I am writing to whomever I have to to protest this woman’s comments and her browbeating of the students who raised their hands for McCain. What a terrible example to show to those students!

  9. Here are all the email addresses you’ll need. These are education board members, her principal and Vice Principal. The only e-mail I did not include is Ms. Harris’s because I figure the choice wording for her email will sound a little different than that which will be written to her supervisors.


  10. This could be just the tip of the iceberg that happened to get caught on tape! If she had no reservation about abusing the daughter of one of our soldiers when she knew she was on camera, what about all the time there was no camera? Is someone going to tell me this is ONLY her, that her peers and supervisors had no idea she does stuff like that? I think not…

    Mike M

  11. God bless our troops and I think we should all say a prayer for Cathy and her father; they must know that they are not alone.

  12. I’m posting a link to your site on freerepublic.com.
    Lots of outrage – justifiably – there too.

  13. much obliged to all that responded, as well as to free republic linking… its something LGF refuses to do

  14. Not that it matters to me but I’m sure it would matter to the O’Hara freaks and the anti-prayer advocates, take note of her use of both “God” and “Jesus” in her discussion with the students. This alone should be enough for any leftward leaning member of the School Board to have this woman removed.

  15. I am wondering how it is possible that she hasnt taught at this school for 5 years… When the Obama campaign has only been going on for the last year. Am I missing something!

  16. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    From the school’s homepage, you can also SEND AN EMAIL TO BOTH the TEACHER and the PRINCIPAL.




    Mary McArthur Elementary School
    3809 Village Drive
    Fayetteville, NC 28304

    PH (910) 424-2206
    FX (910) 424-3451

    School Website Link:

  17. My father served in the army as a chaplain. He had a tour in South Korea when I was in 4th and 5th grade. If a teacher had told me the crap this woman did, I would have had a nervous breakdown. I missed my father terribly. This idiot should never be allowed to step foot in a classroom again, I don’t care who her husband is.

  18. this video clip made my stomach turn..God help us if that is the way most of our teachers are. It makes me actually sick…

  19. Well folk’s like John Mccain said, I have now “Made her famous” Famous with the school board to have her investigated for abuse of office, famous with her principle to have her fired. And Famous with the state attorney general to have her investigated for child abuse. Everyone around the nation should do the same to show that we WILL NOT tolerate this crap.

  20. I am appalled at this teachers
    tactics. She has the right to believe what she wants, but not to coerce and browbeat others to believe as she, especially children. She was obviously
    unaware of the firestorm she has begun. If we don’t see her removed in the next week, then we are in a sorry state of affairs in our country. This school district neds to stand up and do the right thing or be dismissed and new elections held.

  21. I don’t know what makes me sicker. The fact the Barack and his Media cronies managed to doop enough people to vote for him. Or the Fact that this seems to Be the quality of people he associates with. Yes there is an element of plausible deniability in all of this; but when you consider the tone from the head of ACORN, the Tone of Reverend Wright and Bill Aires——HIS TEACHERS. And you have the likes of this Cow using blatant political indoctrination on children and flooding the main stream media, what is one to think?

    You are judged by the company you keep so let Barak be judged and try not to vomit too baddly.

  22. What an awful woman!
    She was wearing an Obama badge – NO, it’s not up to her to indoctrinate kids. Her political affiliations are her business and should not be taken into the classroom.
    She kept saying ‘it’s OK’ and then made it clear by what she was saying and how she was saying it (highly critical/bullying)that the childs choice for President wasn’t OK by her. The girl looked really intimidated. I really didn’t like how she talked about your military.
    She needs a lesson in:
    How not to be a bully
    The Constitution
    Freedom of speech, thought and action as enshrined in your laws.
    That’s for starters.

    She’s luck that wasn’t my kid or I would have been down that school like a shot and had a meaningful conversation with whoever runs it.


  23. Is there a second video that I missed? All I saw was a teacher discussing the election with her students, and when one of the students brought up the war, she quoted John McCain’s comment about staying there for 100 years. I did not see any child abuse, however. If ANYONE has reason to be seeking a lawyer to recover damages, I would have to say Miss Harris has a strong case. She has been accused of child abuse which did not occur.

  24. First, I would like say that I am an Army Bratt and I am also the “Proud” mother of two Army soldiers. My 19 year old son is currently stationed in Afganastan, My brother is scheduled to be deployed to Irag in Dec, and my oldest son is scheduled to deploy in August. I am completely appauld by what this teacher has said to this child. It doesn’t matter if you support Obama or McCain but, this teacher went way over the line and she should be fired Immediately. To the little girl and her family you are in our thoughts and prayers. May god bless our soldiers, and to the teacher i hope she gets what she deserves!!!!

  25. This should have aired on all of the networks before the election! Now we’re stuck with another liberal commie.

  26. Great job bringing this out. It is amazing that this did not make the mainstream news. Just imagine had this been a white teacher bullying a young black child that wanted to vote for Obama. I have called and e-mailed everyone involved as well as passed on the link to the video and info to everyone I know. Please keep up the good work and let us know what comes out of this.

  27. Thank you Tundra for exposing this thug “teacher”! HELLO? THIS IS EMOTIONAL CHILD ABUSE, MS DIATHA HARRIS! You DO NOT have the right to publicly ridicule or shove your personal opinions down anyone’s throat, much less a class full of 10 year old innocent children! You are a seriously sick woman and how the hell you are still employed is beyond rational thought! Look at the hurt and fear in that little girl’s eyes as you humiliate her in front of her classmates! And then you have the audacity to defend yourself! God almighty! What is wrong with you, you child abuser? I feel so sorry for all the kids in your class! And, since your school receives Federal funds for having military students enrolled, you can bet this becomes a big media issue! THIS IS A HATE CRIME! This child and the students whose parents are proudly serving in our great military are being persecuted by a PUBLIC school teacher, DIATHA HARRIS, in a FEDERALLY FUNDED SCHOOL! Start emailing everyone you can think of and get this woman away from kids!

  28. School board has responded:

    Nothing specific, but looks like the video was JUST posted.

  29. This was featured on Glenn Beck this morning. Thanks for spreading the word.

    This woman is is about what I expect from a liberal biased education system. What complete trash.

  30. It’s one thing when protestors forget that service men and women serve for the U.S. so that they HAVE the right to protest. But this ‘teacher’ (and I use that term loosely) stepped WAY over her bounds! To harass the poor girl whose FATHER is in the service, and to make that COMMENT about 100 years of war. SHAME on that woman! And to use the term, ‘Oh Jesus, John McCain!’ If my child was in her class, I would be camped out at the district’s office til something was done! I think the school website has disabled her email now. Probably a good thing I wasn’t able to email her. I agree with all the previous comments too. I suppose Oprah wouldn’t mind having THIS person on her show. I wish we had a way to let the young girl know that we are PROUD of her, and heck, wouldn’t it be nice to start a scholarship fund for her or something?

  31. What’s really sad is this far, far from the exception. This is indoctrination-lite. Here in California we get this and much, much more. The schools have been owned by the left for years and now the hard left is fully in control. They are indoctrinating with their value system, politics, and hatred for all those not like them. Its really bad. In California, we’re at the bottom in education while we spend more than average per pupil.

  32. I’m a junior high history teacher in Texas. We were told not to wear any political buttons or anything to indicate our political stance. When the election was discussed in my class I gave both sides to the issues. When students made comments I never once made a negative remark. I am a Republican and I can honestly say that my students have no idea who I voted for. They constantly asked, and I’d just smile and tell them that my ballot is secret. I assure you that Ms. Harris and her “teaching methods” don’t represent all public school teachers. She’s just the type who gives us all a bad name.

  33. TT broke this story almost a week ago and it has spread throughout cyberspace like a Scud missle. But I wonder if we will see this clip on a mainstream news broadcast. That’s right where it outta go.

    But I bet it won’t. I’ll bet that mainstream nightly news just won’t have the guts.

  34. Right off of her voters registration card.

    Diatha Ivery Harris
    6 Briar Cir. Unit E,
    Fayetteville, North Carolina 28306
    Phone (910) 484-0462

    You can see a copy of her voter registration card at:

  35. Thank you for letting me post information about this situation. First if you are trying to email the teacher, her email account has been shut down. Second, she is teaching at a elementry school in Fayetteville,NC which is the hometown of Fort Bragg,NC. She is still teaching and they even provide security for her now. She used to live in Asheville and is seperated from her husband, No wonder, she did the same thing in a conservative area of the state. She has found a home with the left leaning teachers in cumberland county. Soldier/parents want her out of teaching children peroid. I am a teacher and don’t condone the methods she used to teach that class. She caused embrassment and humilated that child. But the Teacher Union in this state is protecting her. I am ashamed of the public school teachers who are circling the wagons around her. Now that Obama is in office, she should leave teaching peroid and wait for her promised obama check. But teachers like her give me a job with the dropouts they cause and I help turn them into productive confident citizens who are not afraid to speak their mind. I use debate between students against one another as means of building rapport at understanding each other. What this woman did is beyond understanding as an educator. Russian Teaching methods went out with the fall of the soviet union.

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