Global Warming


He also harpoons the models used in the GW cottage industry. (9:30 mark)

“Co2 is so beneficial in so many other ways, it would be crazy in trying to reduce it.”


Video: Earth is actually growing greener

This week’s Conversation that Matters features Freeman Dyson a professor emeritus of the Institute for Advanced Study who says models do a good job of helping us understand climate but they do a very poor job of predicting it.

Dyson says, “as measured from space, the whole earth is growing greener as a result of carbon dioxide, so it’s increasing agricultural yields, it’s increasing the forests and it’s increasing growth in the biological world and that’s more important and more certain than the effects on climate.”

He acknowledges that human activity has an effect on climate but claims it is much less than is claimed. He stresses the non-climate benefits of carbon are overwhelmingly favourable.

Join veteran broadcaster Stuart McNish for this important and engaging Conversation that Matters. on The Vancouver Sun website. Each week McNish explores the most important issues shaping the future of B.C. Please become a subscriber and support the production of the program at

Watch the video here.

Also, Svensmark’s The Cloud Mystery:

Then there are these………………………….


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