Anti-Israel bigotry and bias anti-Semitism

The Islamonazis’ Anti-Israel and Jew-Hatred Filled Narratives Take No Rest During China’s CCP Coronavirus Pandemic…….


Legal Insurrection has an extensive listing of all the recent outrageous anti-Jewish smears and blood libels that are being disseminated today…


Investigation: The Islamist Origins of Anti-Israel Activists’ Coronavirus Narratives

Posted by     Sunday, May 3, 2020 at 8:30pm

Part 2 of an investigation into how anti-Israel activists have hijacked the coronavirus crisis to use against Israel.


In April 2020, we published an in-depth investigation: How Anti-Israel Activists Are Hijacking The Coronavirus Crisis And Turning It Against Israel. Our research demonstrated how proponents of the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) campaign against Israel have exploited the COVID-19 pandemic: namely, blaming the Jewish state and its supporters for as many aspects of the outbreak as possible.


Now, we’ve taken a closer look at how international Arab, Muslim, and especially Palestinian sources have rhetorically weaponized the virus against Israel. And it’s clear that the BDS campaign’s appropriation of COVID-19 is only part of a larger effort to fold the pandemic into pre-existing anti-Zionist and anti-Jewish ideology.




Now, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread and the global economy has come grinding to a halt, Islamist regimes and BDS propagandists alike have continued to adapt this ancient theme to fit the times, grafting the current crisis onto existing myths and ideological frameworks.

B. Conspiratorial COVID Claims in the Islamic World

1. Terrorists, Governments, and Media

Across the Muslim world, radical groups and repressive regimes have capitalized on COVID-19. By circulating coronavirus propaganda among their own people, these entities can  incite violence, inspire religious fervor, boost recruitment, and deflect attention from their substandard leadership.


Read it all here.

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