Converts to Islam ISLAM IN THE USA Islamic terrorism

US: Convert to Islam decides to enroll in the jihad by helping preserve/distribute ISIS propaganda online…….


Islam 101 directed his efforts…


H/T: Jihad Watch via Geller Report: “From whom did Thomas Osadzinski learn about Islam? Where did he go to mosque? Is that mosque being investigated? Why not?”

Chicago man accused of helping preserve Islamic State propaganda on social media

by Jon Seidel, Chicago Sun-Times,

Thomas Osadzinski said he couldn’t just “sit in the chair while Muslims are dying,” so he allegedly studied bomb-making and promised he would not be stopped “once I get my gun and explosive belt.”
But the 20-year-old Lake View resident and DePaul University student also studied computer science. And that’s where the feds say he found his calling. Osadzinski allegedly went on to develop what he would call the “highest form of jihad” — a computer program that used social-media bots to save and help disseminate Islamic State propaganda online.
“No more than 10 brothers know how to do this kind of jihad,” Osadzinski allegedly once boasted.
Now Osadzinski is in federal custody, charged in a 38-page criminal complaint with attempting to provide material support and resources to the Islamic State. Also, despite once allegedly claiming, “I will never go to their false man-made court,” Osadzinski found himself Tuesday in the courtroom of U.S. Magistrate Judge Jeffrey Cole.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Barry Jonas labeled Osadzinski a risk of flight and a danger to the community. Cole ordered Osadzinski held in federal custody until a detention hearing could be held. The hearing is set for Friday.
Steve Greenberg, Osadzinski’s defense attorney, later insisted his client “is a young man who was acting lawfully.”
“He is not writing code to support ISIS,” Greenberg said in a text message to the Chicago Sun-Times. “While we understand the government has to be vigilant, they have overreached here, and seek to criminalize religious beliefs and free speech.”…
Osadzinski allegedly used social media to seek help with instructions for manufacturing a highly unstable explosive in June 2018. The feds say he believed he was on the “terrorist watch list.” And he once sent someone a series of emojis that authorities took to mean he would commit a car-bomb attack if ever drafted by the U.S. military…
The feds say the document described, in detail, Osadzinski’s plan to use the computer script to “sort, copy, organize, and redistribute large volumes of content from ISIS official media and other pro-ISIS” social media channels.
He allegedly said he wanted to “spread it everywhere.”

More here.

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