Finland Finnish media MUSLIM SETTLERS Uncategorized

Finland: Helsingin Sanomat highlights sharia supremacist in human interest story…….


Skukria Jama  does digital…


Great, the HS puts a shine on a sharia-supremacist. What’s next, a human interest story of someone sporting a ‘funny little mustache” helping old ladies cross the street..?

“Digital courses should simply focus on the basics,” Järvi says. In his opinion, education should also be easier for older people to reach. “This fall, for example, the Helsinki Workers’ College offers various courses on social media. The course teaches you to use your computer, smartphone, Facebook and Instagram among other things.”

Shukria Jama, 20, wants to help older people use digital devices – mixing TV channels can upset everyday life

More and more services are moving into the digital world, and services are being offered primarily online, but how are older people coping with the constantly evolving digital world?



Shukria Jama , 20, has undergone training. Jama is familiar with digital devices, but she took the course because she wanted to learn how to work with the elderly.


“I care a lot about dealing with the elderly because they are so kind and comfortable,” Jama says.Jama attaches great importance to keeping the elderly involved in digitalisation.”


Only in this way will they be able to follow the news and what is happening in the world,” Jama says. Suvi Hiltunen, Designer of the Finnish Association for Elderly and Nursing Services, explains in the training that the goal of Digitraine is to bring old and young people together in the spirit of digital collaboration.


More here in Finnish

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