Brian of London Leftism Leftist Apologizers for Islam Leftist-Muslim nexus Lefty Morons Tommy Robinson

Jews call out Jewish Chronicle for over the top screeds against Tommy Robinson and Jews who support/associate with him…….

The Chronicle, a Jewish paper with about 200 000 subscribers has obtained some unwanted notoriety over its totally uniformed, biased and highly charged screeds against Tommy Robinson, and those Jews who have given him their support over the years.

UK: Jewish Chronicle’s attack on Tommy Robinson is “insult to thousands of Jews’ intelligence”

Yesterday I wrote here at Jihad Watch about an attack on Tommy Robinson in the pages of the organ of the establishment Jews of Britain, the Jewish Chronicle. While I was drafting my response, they published two further pieces, another slanted “news” piece and an out-and-out attack from the editor, Stephen Pollard. His title didn’t leave much to the imagination:

Jews who ally with Tommy Robinson are our own worst enemy

Fortunately, another Jew, Jasmine Lennard, stepped into the breach with an answer, so I don’t have to! Here it is.

What a bold statement, I thought. Surely not? I better click on this article and see if there’s any real substance to this claim.
The first 3 words were “According to legend”; not a great start. I prefer to deal in facts rather than folk tales. According to legend, our former prime minister David Cameron had sex with a pig head. Just saying.
“Perhaps things will be slightly clearer if I tell you…” the article says. Wonderful, I do hope so, because thus far it makes no sense at all.
Alas, no.
The article says: “Perhaps things will be slightly clearer if I tell you that Mr Yaxley-Lennon usually operates under a pseudonym: Tommy Robinson.” So did bloody Batman and Superman; everyone loved them, right?! Ha.
Then came the reference to the EDL: “In that guise, he is the former leader of the so-called English Defence League.”
I’ll tell you what’s interesting about the EDL: it would appear to me that the Jewish Chronicle and the EDL bear many similarities.
Most obviously the reasoning behind why were both created. According to Wikipedia: “In 1881 the leaders of the Jewish community in London were being criticised for not campaigning against the pogroms that were taking place in the Russian Empire. The late Francis Henry Goldsmid’s leadership was missed by the Chronicle and it was only after the feminist Louisa Goldsmid gave her support following calls to arms by an anonymous writer named ‘Juriscontalus’ and Asher Myers of the Jewish Chronicle that action was taken. Public meetings were then held across the country and Jewish and Christian leaders in Britain spoke out against the atrocities.”
And again from Wikipedia: “The EDL originated from a group known as the ‘United Peoples of Luton’ (UPL). The UPL had been formed in response to a demonstration organised by the extremist Islamist organisation, Al-Muhajiroun, against the war in Afghanistan, held in March 2009 as the Royal Anglian Regiment marched through Luton after a tour of duty in the Helmand province campaign. When the Luton counter-demonstration led to arrests, local football supporters, according to a BBC News report, ‘decided something should be done’ and ‘found common cause with other “soccer casuals” and “firms” associated with major clubs. The chatter concluded that [Islamic supremacism] was a national problem and they had to put aside club rivalries.”


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One Response

  1. Is there anything more stupid in the world than a leftard Jew? It’s where kapos come from.

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