It’s never a half-baked ”cracked pot theory” when they openly admit that they (Europe’s ruling elite) deceived the very people who voted for what they thought was going to be merely an economic union.

collapsing EU

But it never could be an United States of Europe, there is no single underlying culture that stretches from one end to the other, no single unifying language for the people to engage and interact with others throughout that union. It was destined to be, always, a top down run statist enterprise that would rule by con/fig leaf of democracy.

Just take a look at the US, it’s own system has been under siege from within (with the help of outside ideological influences of course) for over a hundred years, and is now on the precipice of fully rejecting the constitutional republic nature of its founding, opting for the ”European model”. It will fracture in the process, becoming more top-down orientated than it already is now, and then eventually disintegrate.

Regardless of all the firewalls in its founding document, if the people choose tyranny, there is nothing to stop them. The relatively newly founded EU is at the git-go, where the US is almost now after 240 years of self government, on the edge of the precipice leaning forward. The UK offers us only the slightest spark of liberty in Europe.

But Mr Berthoin has revealed the long-term plan was to create a state resembling the US.

He told Newsnight: “The dream was to make peace among Europe countries, stable and credible and another element of prosperity, to modernise Europe.

Statist government can never usher in real peace between member states, it can only crush them into submission. It will eventually lead to full blown tyranny and abuse of the individual.

EU was designed to be United States of Europe, Brussels founder claims in shock interview


THE European Union was created in order to become a “United States of Europe” according to one of the founders of the 28-member bloc.


Georges Berthoin, a surviving member of the European coal and steel commission cabinet, has revealed the initial idea of the EU was to create a closer union.

The cabinet was the first step towards a federation of Europe and set up in 1952.

But the EU was set up as the European Economic Community in 1957 and seen as a trade agreement between countries in the continent.

But Mr Berthoin has revealed the long-term plan was to create a state resembling the US.

He told Newsnight: “The dream was to make peace among Europe countries, stable and credible and another element of prosperity, to modernise Europe.

More here.

2 Responses

  1. No border no country…… They sold their butts to Satan, who runs the EU.

    This culture will be replaced with an islamic one, and the corporations did it for cheaper labor.

    Merkel is a silly puppert for Erfogan

  2. I wish the wretched edifice would finally topple over.

    It’s like a slow motion accident in progress that surely has to collapse completely – and the sooner the better.

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