Media activism media bias Media malfeasance Media Skullduggery YLE


YLE runs defense for the Islamonazis persecuting Christian Arabs of the Palestinian Authority.

yle propaganda

A TT reader send the Following:

Yle’s Ulkolinja aired yesterday, 24.3.2016, a documentary on persecuted Christians in the East Middle by the BBC. Today I found out that YLE had cut off part of the documentary (about 7 minutes worth from the very end), which told of Christians in the Palestinian Authority / Israel. This is censorship, as is clear from paragraph that Muslims ”make life difficult for Christians in Bethlehem and therefore Christians want to move abroad. The State of Israel will continue to fight against Palestinian terrorists attacks, which also complicates the lives of Christians.”

So this was edited out from the documentary, the hardships Christian Arabs are enduring, and leaving because of Islam/Muslim 101’ers. The 59 minute BBC documentary was whittled down to just under 52 minutes.

BBC this world censored by YLE on Finnish TV

YLE sucks, and on the taxpayer’s dime.

UPDATE: TT reader gets feedback from YLE on reason why the documentary aired was shortened (and it was).

Thank you for the feedback.

Yle has not censored any scene or image from the BBC produced a document “in the Middle East Threatened Christians”.

I assume that your knowledge of the documentary, a longer duration, is based on the BBC’s own use, the duration of which is usually 58 minutes. International supply of BBC documentaries usually makes 52-minute versions and a longer version is impossible to obtain for presentation outside the UK. In this way the BBC can sell the performing rights from the same version for commercial channels, so that the document fits-hour program slot. Shortening is often influenced by other copy right issues, such as outside photographers, graphic designers or authors’ fees, not so much related to the program content issues.

That said, it’s always suspicious when things appear to always go the way of their preferred ideological perspective. This is not the first time nor the last.

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