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She word weasels her way out of it by stating that “Mohamed is not a prophet in the Christian tradition”, though the mohammedan creed itself does in fact make that connection. It shows she’s just playing word games in order to shield islam’s founder from being ridiculed by non-Muslims (christians in particular).

She also believes that Muslims and Christians pray to the same God, “It is obvious that Muslims and Christians pray to the same God. I think in the future we will realize that we have more in common with believers of other religions than with those of our own tradition.”

NOTE: Christian leaders long before the advent of Leftism deemed mohamed a false prophet, and Islam totally unrelated to Christianity. She’s an apostate in bishop’s clothing.

Antje Jackelén: “Muhammad is not a false prophet”

“Muhammad still inspires millions of people to the pursuit of justice, peace and a good life” believes Jackelén.
Antje Jackelén: "Muhammad is not a false prophet"

Published 2016-03-07 © Jan Norden / ICON

Antje Jackelén believes that there are several ways to God, and that Jesus is not the only way to get there. She even used as his motto “God is great,” a phrase used mainly by Muslims.The phrase is also found in the Bible, but then the sentence “When we know that we are of the truth, and before him we can persuade our hearts, it condemns us, God is greater than our hearts and knows everything.”

She also believes that Muslims and Christians pray to the same God, “It is obvious that Muslims and Christians pray to the same God. I think in the future we will realize that we have more in common with believers of other religions than with those of our own tradition.”

It has been raised by many critical voices against her due to her relationship to Islam. To get a better picture what she really thinks about the connection between Christianity and Islam, Morgonbladet referred the following question to her: Do you believe that Mohammed is a false prophet?

“No, I do not believe that Muhammad is a false prophet. Because he is not part of biblical prophet tradition, one can not readily call him a prophet according to the Christian faith.In times when the right Islam is used to justify violence and terror, it is important to remember that Muhammad still inspires millions of people to the pursuit of justice, peace and a good life.

We Christians have much in common with both Jews and Muslims, when we speak of God as Father and Creator of heaven and earth. It is when we talk about Jesus as the differences are greatest. A Jew can with joy and pride to see that the Jew Jesus is the “corner stone” of the Church. A Muslim is the Koran along with great respect for Jesus as one of the major prophets. But Jesus as Son of God and Savior of the world, it is only we Christians believe.

Thus, there are crucial differences between religions, but it does not follow that we should speak ill of other faith traditions. It is when we get to know each other as we can both criticize each other and learn from each other. Jesus teaches us to meet others with respect. “

Mohammed considered himself been visited by the Archangel Gabriel, an angel who is mentioned several times in the Bible. The Quran is considered even by Muhammad to be the correct version of the events mentioned in the Bible.

Although Muhammad claims to have the correct version of what happened, and that it is the same God -something which even Antje think – so does she not mean that he is a false prophet. To get a clearer picture of what she believes she got the next question “Do you believe that the angel Gabriel appeared to Mohammed? “, A question that we have not yet received a reply to her.

More here. (google translation)

4 Responses

  1. A nice smile and so stupid.

    Does she believe all the women of Saudi Arabia “freely choose” to shop at the “Burka Store” rather than Nordstrom?

  2. Jesus said « No one can come to the Father EXCEPT THROUGH ME! »

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