Islam in Finland Uncategorized


Finnish law demands a punishment of a fine or nor longer than a year in jail for desecrating a tomb.17:12

I’m reminded of a similar event some years ago in Helsinki, during a Christian burial. The muslim parents of the deceased husband (he converted to Christianity, died 28yrs old) burst onto the scene from behind some bushes pushing everyone aside, wiped the ash cross from the coffin and started mumbling islamic prayers. (Paper account)

NOTE: Published on 12.12.2015 on Facebook. Cemetery in question is in Kangasala Huutajärvi. It was first published at MVLehti then at Kangasala Sanomat (Finland), and found in Swedish, translated into English by (H/T:) Vlad’s translator .

The asylum seeker cemetery video angers Kangasalla residents

Kangasalan Sanomat, 11.12.2015, at 11:40,
On Thursday evening, a video began to spread on the social network, which is described as Kangasala’s old cemetery, not far from the main entrance of the Church. The video features an asylum seeker, who runs from one tomb to another, and talking loudly in his own language. In the background of the video there is loud laughter. Video has angered many people at kangasala. It’s being discussed in Kangasalla whether the event in question should be considered a breach of the sanctity of the grave.

Vlad’s trnaslation from Swedish

From this Swedish Newspaper



A video clip of a group of refugees who move around in a cemetery in a city in Finland while mocking Christianity, as well as the Finns who are buried there, has brought up strong feelings in Finland. Now the men who appear in the video, and who live in an asylum center in the city have apologized.

The video, uploaded to Facebook, shows how Arab refugee caper about and make fun in a cemetery in the city of Kangasala in Finland. Among other things, the man recites verses from the Koran, pretending to lament the dead who are buried in the cemetery and making derisive sign of the cross. All the while his comrades were laughing and filming the act.

The men themselves uploaded the video to Facebook, which then rapidly spread even amongst Finns who reacted with disgust at the disrespect shown by the refugees. Among other things, the blog MV Lehti, the Finnish equivalent of the Swedish Avpixlat, highlighted the video.

The post has been commented on by a large number of people including several who have sent death threats to the man in the video.

The refugees in the video come from Iraq and live in an asylum center Kangasala which is run by the Finnish Red Cross. According to the asylum center’s director Katja Ala Kapeen the man in the video regrets his actions.

It was wrong and foolish. The man is sorry for what happened, he did not want to offend anyone, she told the local newspaper Kangasalan Sanomat.

The asylum center in Kangasala received media attention at the end of October by the Finnish national media when the refugees had organized a food protest because they weren’t being served Arabic cuisine.

They sometimes feel that Finnish food is poor as they are accustomed Iraqi food in their homeland, said the Manager Ala Kapeen to the Finnish government and media company YLE in connection with the protest.

Lähde: Facebook

H/T: Vlad

13 Responses

  1. Sometimes people will try to be funny, and not realize sensitivity. The man was only imagining himself as a family member crying for his relatives. He is expressing culture shock at the slightly different burial grounds. Nothing truly offensive.

    1. Wrong Yuri. He was openly mocking the dead in a Christian cemetery. I have been to muslim cemeteries abroad, and not once did I think about “expressing shock at the slightly different burial grounds”. Apologetics is not what we need here.

    2. unbelievable comment.
      out of your mind. please tell me you’re in finland. and please tell me you have daughters.

  2. That is what you get when you let the ragheads in.

  3. Greetings and Merry Christmas from the US.
    I am just writing to thank you for the work You are doing.
    What is going on in Europe is unbelievable–and little of it is ever reported here.

    1. Thanks Michael, much appreciated. This comment offsets all the other vitriol I receive by the usual suspects. 🙂 Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  4. This is not uncommon. Both here and in the middle east Muslims are accustomed to desecrate Christian sites. He is NOT sorry he did it, he is sorry he got caught. He should be shipped back to wherever he came from, immediately.

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