Finnish Politics


The problem is, when you talk like a marxist and promote marxist principles, you have little leverage against someone who calls you out on not being marxist enough.


Timo Soini is not a conservative, not even close, so it’s a matter nuance when you compare him with his political competition. Antti Rinne is an old time marxist, and has no problem using classic marxist class struggle rhetoric in trying to chip votes away from his chief rival of (now) The Finns party.

Not holding conservative values, Soini has a problem (as do the pseudo conservatives National Coalition) in fighting his rhetoric. It’s kind of like the GOP (U.S.) making Mitt Romney their nominee for president to run against Obama who instituted a highly unfavorable healthcare program (Obamacare), that was modeled on Romney’s own healthcare plan in Massachusetts.

Rinne slams Soini’s claim to be “party of the workers”

A boost in the polls this week for the SDP is a sign that people are waking up to the reality of the Finns Party, claims opposition leader.

Antti Rinne
SDP leader Antti Rinne says this month’s poll boost for his party shows that the SDP is Finland’s party of the workers. Image: Henrietta Hassinen / Yle

The leader of the Social Democrats, Antti Rinne, has slammed a claim by Timo Soini that the Finns Party is the country’s true labour party.

Speaking on Yle’s Ykkösaamu politics programme on Saturday, Soini repeated his assertion that his party is the one which represents Finland’s working men and women.

Speaking in Rovaniemi, where he is launching the party’s campaigns for forthcoming local government elections in Lapland, SDP leader Antti Rinne said he is very happy with the results of the latest Yle-commissioned poll, which saw the Finns Party fall into fourth place in terms of support, while the SDP appeared to rise 3.9 percentage points into second place.

More here.

One Response

  1. A pity about Soini. Seduced by the trappings of power perhaps?

    Looking in the mirror every morning and saying to himself . . “I’m a player in the big time”.

    A person of integrity will stick with his principles no matter what.

    Does Soini measure up? Just askin’

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