Finland Finnish Immigration Concerns MUSLIM SETTLERS


This is the climate of fear that the Finnish government and all its agencies are foisting upon the Finnish public who did not elect them for this purpose.

This is their doing, in a foolish attempt to fill the numbers that they think is needed to kickstart the Finnish economy and produce future revenue in maintaining the Finnish welfare state for generations to come. It’s built upon a false premise that, “just anyone will do” and that mass immigration to a welfare state is not a thing of concern.

Then there is the real threat of terrorism, spread of once cured diseases, social unrest and accompanying islamization that this kind of treachery will create. This is the height of stupidity, especially when we look at our neighboring country of Sweden, which is presently swirling around the drain.

H/T: Vasara Hammer

tard invasion


The government and the state leadership, yes, know where this all leads – or being led – but Finns have been left in the dark. And have not been given permission to question the motives and backgrounds of the refugees.

One can’t help but notice the signs, the gradual change in society, the people are completely either secretly or openly fooled.

The police are not protecting Finns; children, women and the elderly are prey to criminal immigrants and no one is safe. Previously, I was grateful for how secure Finland is, These days, as a small size woman, I’m afraid to go out at night without some sort of sharp object. My building is home to many immigrants and I have used the safety chain for a long time when I do not know if any of them are from maintenance …

I would have laughed five years ago and considered it unnecessary to fear, I do not anymore. A friend from the health center told of an old man who staggered to the health center in the morning, he was awakened in the night by a black man who assaulted him and stole a cell phone and some money, he probably had the master key.

At the point when the state allows criminals to go free to scare citizens without the police coming to help, it is a sign of something serious and heinous. Fear and insecurity is wanted to be instilled into Finns,and I hope that people will wake up enough in time to realize the situation.

Someone wisely wrote that when a feeling of insecurity created in the citizenry, it is a sign of an impending state martial law, then all is lost. He said that now is for the army and the police force in the last moments, to wake up.

The Late Great economist Milton Friedman on mass immigration & the welfare state:

“There is no doubt that free and open immigration is the right policy in a libertarian state, but in a welfare state it is a different story: the supply of immigrants will become infinite. Your proposal that someone only be able to come for employment is a good one but it would not solve the problem completely. The real hitch is in denying social benefits to the immigrants who are here. That is very hard to do, much harder than you would think as we have found out in California. But nonetheless, we clearly want to move in the direction that you are talking about so this is a question of nitpicking, not of serious objection.”

NOTE: It must be said however, that his (Friedman’s) emphasis on illegal immigration being a plus for both sides, AS LONG AS it’s not being done in a welfare society. This is what the pseudo conservatives in Finland refuse to acknowledge, chomping on the first bit, swallowing it whole (ok), but then refusing to admit the second half of what he was saying.

The world has changed since then, and with the advent of the global jihad, depressed economies (thanks to leftist policies) open borders of the type that Milton Friedman advocated for (in the absence of the welfare state of course) is no longer a valid argument. Also, it has been proven that the overwhelming amount of workers in jobs that politicians say that their citizens “no longer care to do”, are in fact filled by (US) citizens of the country. I would bet that the same statistics would be found for Finland as well.

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