Islam Debate Neo-Aristocracy Neo-statists



In an offline discussion, I posited a few thoughts on the current political status quo in Finland, Europe and in the US vis-a-vis Islam. We tend to focus exclusively on the Islamic dynamic within our societies, but there is of course a greater force at play that gained them entry in the first place. The reasons for this are many, but one crucial reason is the further diluting of the national ethnic fabric in Europe, and the ‘American ethic’ within the US.


NOTE: We are under assault, our societies and our modern way of life by those with a mindset not unlike that which ruled Europe of old called the aristocracy.


The present day ruling aristocracy tolerates their heretics, as long as they play by their rules.



Here in Finland, as in the rest of Europe, the neo-aristocracy has a virtual lock on the political status quo, it’s IMPOSSIBLE to circumvent, they’ve rigged the system to insulate these parties. Since primaries are uniquely an American invention (and under massive assault) the system in Europe will remain unchanged. It’s just a fact that the political ruling elite like consensus politics which maintains the existing status quo structure. It cannot and will not change.


I believe that I’m correct’, in that the ruling elite (neo-aristocracy) will convert to anything, even belief in nothing, to stay in power. Ruling families (many now usurped/taken over by big business conglomerates) hold sway in both ”Old and New continents” and will use whatever means to control their self interests.


When I say ”neo-Aristocracy” I’m not speaking about the families of pedigree and lineage alone, which in fact do belong to this faction, but of the overwhelming business elite who clawed their way to top through big business and politics (an incestuous relationship if there ever was one) to form this heretical societal sect. Just like in the 1800’s to the mid 1900’s, the aristocracy itself comprised a powerful faction within the socialist movement, so to today. The present day ruling aristocracy tolerates their heretics, as long as they play by their rules.


This relationship within the neo-aristocracy camp thrives upon the old post-enlightenment mindset of divide and rule. Napoleon himself said,  “if I was to rule Jews or Muslims I would become a Jew or Muslim“. In order to grab and maintain power, Napoleon would convert to anything to achieve it. Today’s elites (neo-aristocracy) are presently using Islam to divide and thwart the nationalist /patriotic forces that do not want to be ruled over by lords and kings (let alone Islam).


The EU and the burgeoning neo-aristocracy within the US (democrats for sure and GOP old guard and big business) have a vested interest in the success of the EU, that’s why both parties are pro-EU supra-nationalists, and long to do the same within the US, in Mexico and with other S.American tribes.


Call it statism or neo-satism (the latter for pseudo conservatives) but what we are seeing IMHO, is the crest of the tidal wave started by Marx’s (and some before him) reactionary ideology to thwart upstart capitalism that threatened the ruling staus quo. We are seeing that force crushing every flame of liberty started in response to their ever growing tyranny.


Islam itself is but a side issue in a greater struggle.

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