And beware of people who actually believe that Islam can be reformed.

The reason I say this is that they can’t point to anything in the past or present that will cause us to be hopeful about the future where Islam is concerned. All their vaporings for a ‘peaceful Islam’ is based on their feelings, not on facts. We can’t allow ourselves to be lulled into a false sense of hope, where none exist. Ayaan Hirsi Ali, as brave as she is, is planting nothing more than false hopes in the minds of people desperate to believe such nonsense is possible.

We should be highlighting Islam’s fundamental defective nature, it’s total incompatibility with existing modern norms within our civil societies. Educating secular Muslims, even nominal ones, exactly what Islam stands for, and forcing them to choose is the correct policy. Totally discrediting the ideology is the only way forward, they stand for this (tyranny), and we stand for that (liberty and freedom to choose).

mo tunic 29.12.2011

Hirsi Ali: Beware of Michiganistan

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is the founder of the AHA Foundation and the author of Infidel, Nomad, and the new book Heretic: The Case for a Muslim Reformation.

“It couldn’t happen here” is the attitude, but Islamic fundamentalism may become more prevalent in the U.S. in coming years

Since the massacre at the offices of the French satirical magazineCharlie Hebdo in January, the U.S. media has understandably devoted attention to the problem of radical Islam in Europe. The fact has been widely reported that thousands of European Union citizens have traveled to Iraq and Syria to join the self-styled Islamic State. Almost as much coverage has been given to stories of French Jews emigrating to Israel. And there have been numerous articles about Michel Houellebecq’s diabolically timed novel Soumission, which imagines France in 2022 with a Muslim president introducing sharia law and being fawned over by the Parisian establishment.

The implication of many of these articles is: “How utterly terrifying. Thank heavens it couldn’t happen here.”

True, there are no American equivalents of the alarmist books about Europe with titles like Eurabia or Londonistan. Apparently it is not quite time to warn about the “United States of Sharia” or “Michiganistan.” But are we underestimating the speed with which this country could develop substantial and influential populations of Islamic extremists? A growing, if still small number of cases like that of Abdi Nur — the 20-year-old student who left south Minneapolis to join IS last year — suggests we may be.

Mainly as a result of postwar migrations, there are now more than 20 million Muslims living in the European Union. In France – where accurate census data on religious affiliation are not collected – the Muslim share of the population is now estimated at between 7 and 8 percent. That is an order of magnitude larger than the current Muslim share of the U.S. population.

Yet, as the European experience shows, demographic change can happen rapidly, as a consequence of migration patterns, differentials in birth rates and – in the case of religious affiliation – rates of conversion and apostasy. In 1990 Europe (the whole continent minus Russia) had a Muslim population of 16 million. It had nearly doubled by 2010. It will be 40 million by 2030.

According to estimates by the Pew Research Center, the Muslim population of the United States is set to increase from around 2.6 million today to 6.2 million in 2030, mainly as a result of immigration, as well as above-average birth rates. Although in relative terms this will still represent less than 2 percent of the total U.S. population (1.7 percent, to be precise, compared with around 0.8 percent today), in absolute terms that will be a larger population than in any West European country except France. Between now and 2030, the Muslim population of the United States will be growing faster than that of any EU member state (with two exceptions where the absolute numbers are tiny: Ireland and Finland). The annual growth rate will be more than double that of France.

As an immigrant of Somali origin, I have no objection to other people coming to America to seek a better life for themselves and their families. My concern is with the attitudes many of these new Muslim Americans will bring with them – and with our capacity for changing those attitudes.

More here.

2 Responses

  1. “..We should be highlighting Islam’s fundamental defective nature, it’s total incompatibility with existing modern norms within our civil societies. Educating secular Muslims, even nominal ones, exactly what Islam stands for, and forcing them to choose is the correct policy. Totally discrediting the ideology is the only way forward, they stand for this (tyranny), and we stand for that (liberty and freedom to choose)…”

    Excellent – this should be government policy for all Western nations – and including Russia.

    1. Thanks MWKI, if we stuck to that formula, we would be offering the wider public a clearer stand, including those Muslims (now second guessing their ideology) who want to join us in modernity.

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