Finland Islam in Finland ISNA Lying Bastards Lying Muslims Muslim Brotherhood Western Appeasement Western stooges


 First advise given is not to name Islam or Muslims at all!

”He is worth listening to, because he is listened to in the White House.”

Now you know who is advising the Obama White House and all US government agencies, and why we’re losing the battle against radical Islam (fundamentalist Islam 101). YLE interviews terrorism ”expert” Mohamed Elsanousi, director for community outreach (propaganda spinmeister to fool the infidel) for ISNA, Islamic Society for North America (Muslim Brotherhood front group).

The fake journalist at YLE fails to mention in the puff piece (that’s just a dictation of the Muslim Brotherhood’s talking points) that ISNA is in fact a wing of the Muslim Brotherhood within the United States. So, it’s safe to assume that the Finns he talked with, were completely ignorant of this fact. This is dangerous.


US terrorism expert: Seven way to prevent attacks in Finland

How to prevent a person’s radicalization or terrorist attacks, in “the name of Allah”? Successful prevention requires learning from those who have relevant experience. YLE interviewed American expert Mohamed Elsanousi, who has years of experience in the prevention of terrorist attacks.

Mohamed Elsanousi opening of the White House CVE-Conference (Summit Countering Violent Extremism is).Mohamed Elsanousi opening of the White House CVE-Conference (Summit Countering Violent Extremism is). Photo: Finn Church Aid

With the World Trade Center terrorist attacks in the United States began a hunt for terrorists to hysterical proportions. Mistakes prosecute the suspects were made that fuelled radicalization rather than deter future attacks. Innocent Muslims were spied upon, interrogated and arrested for domestic security.

Over the years, however, it was learned about how to prevent terrorism. The key is not massive security measures, but, for example, co-operation between mosques and the authorities and grassroots action.

These following doctrines were relayed by Mohamed Elsanousi, who has long experience in the building of joint cooperation with religious communities and officials in the United States. He is worth listening to, because he is listened to in the White House.

1. Stop using the term “radical Islam”

– If you call the terrorists “radical Islamists”, you swipe the whole of religion and the Muslim population under the same heading. For example, Isis: calling them Islamists is exactly what Isis wants. Then, as if recognizing that they are correct in claiming to represent Islam.

2. Understand Islam is the question

Or rather, where Islam is not the issue.

3. Keep in mind that a large part of terrorism has been prevented by Muslims themselves

When talking about terrorism it is sometimes forgotten that the majority of human victims in global terrorism, are Muslims. Even more rarely aware that the act of terrorism in the West is often blocked by Muslims.

4. The official authority must establish confidence in religious communities

The instructions are simple. The best human observer is the community itself – both good and bad. But if the police and other authorities want tips from the Muslim population,  such as enthusiastic community members for violent extremism, they have to create a community of trust. This is achieved, according Elsanousi by discussion.

5. If you spy, tell the imam

Agents in the United States at the time of obtaining information on suspected terrorists, among other things by pretending to be Muslims and infiltrating mosques. The error was that the spying was not told of the mosque staff.

6. Do not focus on the conflict – also take into account the positive developments

according to Elsanousi the following counsel goes especially for journalists who cover the sensitivity of terrorist attacks, the of collisions populations and other tragic events. This also means Elsanousi reporting, which enlargens discrimination against Muslims.

7. Priests, rabbis and imams: Get together

Elsanousi raised a good example in Finland, the friendship of walking with local religious leaders toured one of Helsinki’s three major religious establishments.

– Muslims need help from Jewish and Christian communities. They have to be repeated a uniform message that says: “We understand what Islam is, and this or that act does not represent it.”


4 Responses

  1. Mind numbing pablum.

    You want to stop terrorism.

    1. Stop the muezzin – This constant call to prayers is nothing more than a continual incitement for the most devout Muslims. It badgers “cultural Muslims” into silence on the issue of Islam.
    2 Arrest the mullahs
    3 Close the mosques – demolish most – demolish most minarets
    4 Arrest anyone who tries to enforce sharia law.
    5 Make women equal to men.
    6 All girls to school.
    7 Allow only Muslim cultural customs that are compatible with the 21st century
    8 Do not allow any customs that celebrate violence
    9 Arrest anyone who tries to promote violence.
    10 religion can only be practice at home. No large groups.
    11 Force a reformation of the Koran, Haidith, and Sunnah. Confiscate all Korans.

    1. I here ya Bob, that’s what we should be doing, but right now, the morons have the upper hand, and Muslims have them eating out of theirs.

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