Lars Vilks


In a world where the West stood up for free speech, and were solidly anti-Islamization, the situation would entirely something else.

Vilks: – I dream of escape

NRK has been meeting the artist Lars Vilks at a secret address. – It’s like living in a prison. I dream about jumping out the window and run away.

Interview with Lars Vilks at a secret location, 2015.

He lives with bodyguards around the clock. His life is planned from hour to hour. How has life of artist Lars Vilks become. He was the main target of terror in Copenhagen a month ago .

What he has done is to draw Muhammad as a dog. Therefore, al Qaeda offered a bounty to whoever manages to kill him .

NRK got to meet Lars Vilks at a secret address, by strict instructions from Swedish security police. No, not even NRK transmitted, should know where the trip bar.

  • See the full interview with Lars Vilks in the video above.

– Will climb out the window

Lars Vilks

THREATENED: Al Qaeda has offered a bounty of $ 100,000 to whoever manages to kill artist Lars Vilks, after he signed the Prophet Muhammad as a dog.


Vilks told NRK that he feels that he is living in a prison.

– Yes, I’m trapped. The difference is that ordinary prisoners can assume that they can come out in the backyard and pull air every day, it does not get me.

– Do you sometimes feel like, when you live in a situation like that where everything is planned and you live with bodyguards, to just run out the door and say “this I can not bear to relate to anymore?”

– Yes, absolutely. I’m thinking of climbing out the window. Walk around the community, masked.

– The thoughts I get all the time. That it certainly was going well if I had run off. But I have an agreement with them that protects me, and I think the holding. Although the thought constantly emerging.

More here. H/T: Fjordman

4 Responses

  1. Maybe Lars Vilk should wear a burka. Then he would be safe.

  2. Having been under house arrest for daring to defend myself against a muslim family, I can sympathise, I had to live at an ex girlfriends because I pulled an axe on the see you next tuesdays, it was either that or get my head kicked in and the British police saw the threats, IE: the stoved in windows etc, that the judge only gave me probation, god bless him.
    I used to dream of escape to the countryside, but what do you know?
    They sold their apartment to a couple of gay middle class types.
    I love my new neighbours, at least they don’t try to make my life a living hell, unlike that muslim family who lived in the flat above me for 15 effing years!

    1. PS
      my probation ends come May the 11th, then I can get back into the swing of things.

    2. Wow, I had no idea, I’m glad that you’ve come out of it ok, hang in there mate, we need you. I’m sure that your life will be far less complicated with two gays living above then what you’ve had to endure for 15 years. Here’s to a brighter future.

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