Islamic Barbarism Islamic brutality Islamic Mentality ISLAMIC STATE Islamic Violence


We can say what we want about Islam, and we do, but compassion for the human element has to remain.

These people live in absolutely horrid societies and conditions, it really is disturbing for me, and I’m sure for many of my daily readers as well, to hear about one horror after the other emanating from the Islamic world. Burnings, beheadings, whippings and beatings, loss of limbs, crucifixion and now facial disfigurement.

Just add this one to the morbid pile.

ISIS Claims 15 New Victims: Women Face Disfiguring Punishment

It has been reported that the Al Khansa brigade, an all-female ISIS policing unit, has recently punished 15 Iraqi women. The women were caught with their faces inappropriately veiled according to the standards of ISIS, which resulted in them getting acid poured on their faces.

The Al Khansa brigade police the terror group’s Syrian stronghold of Raqqa and Iraqi stronghold of Mosul, according to Opposing Views. The 15 women had been detained because they were seen in public by the police without their niqab, a veil that covers the face. The punishment was carried out in the Mosul neighborhood of Salamiya.

ISIS Claims 15 New Victims: Women Face Disfiguring Punishment

The face-deforming punishment is well-known in the area, as it has been clearly explained what will happen if women don’t cover their faces. “They have implemented this punishment so that other women in the city will never consider removing or not wearing the niqab,” explained Saed Mamuzini, an official from the Kurdistan Democratic Party in Mosul.

More here.

2 Responses

  1. More people there are in this world the more intolerant society will become and am afraid extremists will revel in extreme behaviour. Remember hitler!

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