ISLAM IN CANADA Western Appeasement Western politicians for sharia Western stooges


Reposting this in full from Vlad’s, an excellent take down by Tarek Fatah of a sanctimonious little puke of a senator.

Tarek Fatah responds to a Canadian Senator on matters of Islam and national security.

For those who have wondered what sanctimony sounds like, and that would be people who have never visited Canada or gone to a university in the past couple of decades, listen to how a Canadian senator speaks to Tarek Fatah who agreed to speak to a special Senate committee on Islam, terrorism and National Security in Ottawa Yesterday.

This senator was choking on his own moral outrage and so desperate to advertise his moral superiority over Tarek Fatah that he actually admonished him not to interrupt his dressing down of Mr. Fatah although he was just sitting there quietly at the time.

However I think the part of this to take home is the part where Mr. Fatah reminds us all that there is a compulsory prayer in every mosque world wide every Friday which is begging Allah to help the Muslims militarily defeat the Christians and the Jews.

For those who have the time, the entire session, about 3 hours, can be seen here. 

(click ‘view this clip’ and select option)

However I expect to be posting excerpts here and there as time permits.

5 Responses

  1. Intriguiging that the senator uses the ISIS ” salute ” throughout his speech !!.

  2. A reversal of roles, the senator spouting taqiyya and the islamist telling the truth… Amazing!

    1. Fatah may be delusional about a ”moderate” Islam, but he is good at highlighting what Islam really is.

  3. That senator’s name is Grant Mitchell, he was leader or the Alberta Liberal party back in the 1990s and was given his current job by Jean Chretien, the former Liberal prime minister. The only reason he became leader of the Alberta Liberals is that the former leader, who was actually a straight shooter, and long time mayor of Edmonton, named Lawrence Decore, became ill with cancer and had to resign. Grant Mitchell was a fecal head in 1994 and is still a fecal head 20 years later. But as many things go with big “L” liberals in Canada, if you fail at the ballot box, don’t worry, if you are a good party man you can always get appointed to the senate or another job where you don’t have to face the voters.

    1. Thanks Fritz, this explains a lot. Here in Finland we have the exact same problem. These professional politicians are like ticks on the body politic, they refuse to let go and are hard to remove.

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