Anti-Israel bigotry and bias Manfred Gerstenfeld


Personally, I would place the number of anti-Semites higher than the 1 billion offered by the ADL, taking into account the Islamic world, it alone holds over a billion of them (Islamic based and inspired), not to mention traditional European anti-Semites.

NOTE: This was published today in the Jerusalem Post but without the footnotes which are included here.



Manfred Gerstenfeld

Dr.Manfred GerstenfeldIn the Western world, Israel has largely lost the propaganda battle against the Arabs. More than 40% of Europeans believe the conspiracy theory that Israel aims to exterminate the Palestinians.1 In reality, the Palestinian population has greatly increased. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict is often absurdly presented as the greatest threat to world peace.

Palestinian criminality, while similar to that in several other Muslim countries, is ignored or whitewashed by many media, politicians, and others. Around the globe, whether within or outside of the Muslim world, large numbers of people are massacred, some of which by governments. The U.S government and the European Union, however, often remain silent about such mass killings. Yet they religiously publish condemnations of Israel for building homes outside the green line, as if that was endangering the world. This is yet another success of Arab propaganda.

According to the Anti-Defamation League, the number of anti-Semites in the world exceeds one billion people.2 The anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic hate propaganda emerging from large parts of the Muslim world knows no limits. This is a highly dangerous development. Israel is a small country with many enemies. Its survival depends on being smarter than them.

The question is, then, why is Israel’s propaganda falling so short? The strategic answer is simple. Israel is fighting a total war which has a number of facets. One is military. For that purpose, Israel has an efficient instrument, the IDF. It oversees the entire military battlefield and innovates methods for dealing with future threats.

A second facet is the intelligence war. To fight this, Israel has three competent agencies: the international agency Mossad, the domestic security service Shabak, and the military intelligence branch, Aman. Cyberwar, and how to defend oneself against it, has become yet another major battlefield and Israel is investing heavily to become a world leader in this area.

To fight a fourth element of the total war, however, there is, quite surprisingly, no effective instrument. There is no governmental or non-governmental organization which oversees the entire propaganda battlefield. Some Israeli government bodies, private NGOs, and other operators participate in the anti-propaganda battle, but there is little coordination between them. Some major anti-Israeli propaganda matters are barely dealt with.

In recent decades, the role of diplomats has expanded to include public diplomacy. (Hasbara in Hebrew). They are expected to not only maintain government contacts in the country where they are located, but also to communicate with the public there and influence them to view Israel favorably. A variety of tools have been developed for this purpose. One often hears that Israel should be more effective in its public diplomacy. That is true because many people abroad do not have a structured, hostile attitude toward Israel, but are simply uninformed.

Fighting the propaganda war, however, is a very different issue. One does not deal with the poorly informed, but fights one’s adversaries. Hostilities against Israel come from both government and other sources within Muslim states, from Muslims in the Western world, politicians from many countries, NGOs, academics, trade unions, church leaders – mainly liberal ones –, a variety of Western socialist parties, the extreme left, the extreme right, and so on. Social media is yet another level of hate propaganda.

Diplomats are quite ineffective in a propaganda war. To put it brutally, they have been well trained to say it is raining if one spits in their face.

The only way to fight the propaganda war is to establish a central body, much like those that exist for military, intelligence and cyber warfare: an agency which oversees the entire battlefield.

What would such a centralized Israeli anti-propaganda agency do? Let me map out some of the basics. It would have to focus on three major pursuits: research, monitoring and operations.

The research branch would cover a number of areas. It would have to investigate, in detail, how the entire anti-Israel propaganda war works. This would include the analysis of the key motifs of demonization, where major attacks originate, the investigation of the main categories of perpetrators, the interactions between them, how the hatred is transmitted, and so on.

For Israel to effectively expose and fight its multiple adversaries in the propaganda war it would have to know, in an organized manner, much more about them than it presently does. The anti-Israel defamation and hate system is far from having been explored in its totality. Developing an understanding of both unstructured and structured anti-Israel incitement and how they mutate should be an ongoing project. A databank should be established with all the information collected.

The second function of the anti-propaganda agency would be to monitor current developments. Such monitoring would be done by specialists in various ways. Some would follow developments in specific countries. Others would specialize in specific perpetrator categories such as Muslim governments, Muslims in the Western world, politicians, academics, etc. A third monitoring group would follow specific types of anti-Israeli incitement such as boycotts, divestments, sanctions, false accusations, applying double standards, false moral equivalence, scapegoating, and other fallacies.

The operational branch of the new structure would have to develop increasingly effective methods to fight the anti-Israeli propaganda as well as anti-Semitism. It would have to assess which activities it undertakes itself and which should be left for others, such as other government services, nongovernmental bodies in Israel and abroad, or even some individuals.

The success of a central Israeli anti-propaganda agency to be established would depend on both the quality of its staff and the availability of government funds. Rough estimates put the financial requirements in the $200 -$250 million range per year. Had Israel started to fight hate propaganda in the 1980s efficiently, it would have been able to avoid much of the damage that was done since then.

To demonstrate that the fight against hate propaganda requires a central Israeli body overseeing the battlefield is simple. Its establishment, however, depends on the political will of the government to create – decades too late — this highly necessary agency and allocate it the necessary funds.



2 http://global100.adl.or

3 Responses

  1. Having just finished reading Charles Mackay’s “Extraordinalry Popular Delusions and the Madness Of Crowds”. Nothing has changed in many centuries of human existence. I am not surprised that the constant drip of islamic and possibly Marxist propaganda have yielded this result. Education, in general, is the weakest link. Young minds have been mis-directed in schools at all levels for many decades. Purposefully. When people can’t/won’t think, they react. That is how they become “useful idiots” no matter who is pulling the strings. We have it here in the USA. Just view the idiots nationally massed in our 24NOV14’s so-called “protests” over a created issue. Same kind of deluded and, I might say, “mad crowd disease” built on lies and innuendo. Drip. Drip. Drip…

  2. Here’s a thought- when the Hamas rockets start flying again, Israel DEMANDS the U.N. send peacekeepers to protect its civilians. That might make the duplicitous U.N. sit up and take notice.

    1. Truth be told, Ayattollahowmany, Israel does not want the UN in their area whatsoever, they simply can’t be trusted. The UN would love for Israel to issue such a plea, it’s been one part of their ”peace plans” for decades.

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