Statism Sweden



Like I’ve said repeatedly, Sweden is not a normal country.

h/t: Baron Bodissey

Sweden has a uniquely uniform, narrow small spectrum of opinion, I don’t know any other country in the world where that is the case, to that extent.

sweden muzzin in multicultural lala land

Klaus Bernpaintner – Hour 1 – A Swedish Lesson in Conformity & Control
October 21, 2013
Klaus Bernpaintner is a Senior Fellow of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Sweden, an entrepreneur and a former financial analyst. He earned an MBA from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business, USA, and an MSc from the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. He joins us to discuss modern problems created by government. He shares how true economics is the strongest proof against government. We’ll focus on Swedish politics, economics and collectivist “solutions” as the Nordic model is being praised and promoted to the United States. Klaus dismantles the common misbelief that Swedish citizens get “free stuff.” Since Sweden has the most centralized government in the world with the 2nd highest tax rate burden in the world, we investigate into the supposed claim that Sweden is the “happiest country in the world” and look into the results of socialist ideology.

We also discuss fake privatization of businesses and how government regulation creates corruption, yet the people wrongfully blame free market capitalism. In the second hour, we discuss what creates the narrow bandwidth of perspective in a society like Sweden. We discuss how centralized government operates to shape and control behavior of the masses. Klaus explains how “family policy” is being used to control the choices families make. In a collectivist society, the inhabitants cannot see the value of taking charge of one’s own destiny. Klaus returns to economic fascism to expose how government creates disastrous effects. He explains why entrepreneurs are leaving Sweden. Later, we critique not only Sweden’s healthcare system but Obamacare. We can predict just how this will end. Although global politics seems to be closing in around us and although we may be in for a bumpy ride, Klaus leaves a positive message about the long term.

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