US politics



One thing is certain, regardless of where you line up on the subject, it has done far more wrong than good, and it needs to be finally audited and dismembered.


by JASON SCHEURER 23 Dec 2013, 1:01 PM PDT

The United States gave birth to an abomination on December 23, 1913. It was conceived by a group of men right out ofRosemary’s Baby and consummated in a secret gathering place known as Jekyll Island. Some of the richest and most powerful men in America would go on to be its Godfathers. They nurtured this demon spawn and played wet nurse as it was sold to the public as the new panacea that would free us from the evils of the business cycle. The abomination they created is none other than the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve is not your friend. The Federal Reserve believes it operates above the law[1], and if looked at with an objective eye, it functions much like a type of banking cartel our founding fathers feared could threaten the concept of a limited government. They were right. The Fed is at the very heart of our financial problems, and until the vast majority of the public becomes aware of this, they will not subside.

The Founding Fathers were very specific about what they wanted when they wrote the Constitution. According to Article I, Section 8, Congress is supposed to have the authority to “coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures.” The government was never supposed to be in the banking business; they were to be in the sound currency business. The problem with this is that a sound currency does not need a bank. And because a sound currency does not lose its purchasing power over time, modern banking is its foe.

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